The Underestimated | 18 |

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~ George's POV ~

So I may have kinda got a little too much a head of myself when i thought that the Dreamon would actually train me for anyone but himself, because in fact that's the only person he's doing it for. I know he sure as hell isn't doing it for me like he made it seem he was when he convinced me to start, I can see it in the way he's been acting lately .

It's officially day 12 of our ' training ' and the only thing I've been able to do is make a leaf curl up and die. That's it and as lame or cool as it seems it's also very scary, well for me. I was totally freaked out when I first did it and my anxiety only got worse once I saw the way the Dreamon was staring at me with such...possessiveness.

Oh and when I say scary I mean it, not only because of the power I myself possess but because I know he just wants me to harness it well so he can use me for his own selfies desires.

At first he was really supportive and patient with me but after about 5 days of me not being able to do anymore than the leaf thing he's become quite, well angry and I guess annoyed with me? But I'm not some sort of show pony that can just do all of these amazing tricks! I need time and plus I hate how pushy he's become. If it's really my gift then I should be able to harness it on my own, right? Well we're about to find out.

When we were on our way here I hadn't recognized anything even though he had said I'd been here before, but then the more I explored on my own the more I realized why. I have in fact been here before but not when this whole small city was built, but before. This place is buried deep within the woods but it shouldn't be too far from Kinoko Kingdom so I'm pretty sure I've come across it when I was helping scouting for the perfect spot to build the small kingdom that Sapnap's parents own.

I wish I would've known that it would become my prison and yes I mean that literally. Ever since we've come here he won't let me leave, the most I can do is walk around the boarders but nothing more. Well until today, today is the day when I leave and unfortunately come back. I just need some time by myself and even though I can't really stay away, it'll be nice to get some privacy. I need to learn about myself and these powers, connection is key.

And yes I have been driving myself mad by thinking of all of the possible reasons for Dream keeping this a secret from me. I was with him throughout everything, all of his mistakes, broken promises, his darkest times and yet he has the audacity. I'm not sure if I should be sad that be didn't trust me or just plain pissed because I had a right to know about my own damn powers.

Oh and don't get me started on Karl, my best friend, a fucking wizard. He should know how important it is for one with powers to be able to control and connect with them, it's a hazard not to. If I were to get pushed to my absolute limit with my emotions or any sort of way it could end in a blood bath, especially with what I've been told.

With knowing that though it does make me concerned that I'm in the possession of the Dreamon. He says and believes that he loves me and maybe he actually does in his own sick and twisted way, but if his plan is so important to him I don't doubt that I could end up dead or killing someone else because of it. I mean he's already gotten physical with me before...

Maybe that's why they didn't tell me, maybe they just didn't want to put this type of pressure on me, maybe Dream was scared and was just protecting his land and people or maybe it was for my sake, but I guess I won't get to hear their reasons for a while.

I signed heavily as I stepped on the edge of the land where I was currently being held captive and looked back on the small city's beautiful buildings. I wonder who built them, I still haven't been introduced, but I assume I will be soon enough. I have no clue how the Dreamon will react once he realizes that I'm gone, but right now I just need to get away from here.

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