Coded Emotions | 7 |

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How did you all feel about reading Ranboo's pov? He will be getting more involved in the story but I want to hear your opinions! Anyways, please consider voting and enjoy !


~ George's POV ~

Within the past 72 hours my boyfriend has been framed and taken to prison, I had tried to prove myself and save him but failed, and now somehow gotten myself kidnapped by his evil entity doppelganger. I don't understand how things, life, have come to this. We had already fought for our happy ending, we deserved to be happy, so why was this happening to us?

It was already morning and I knew once I got up that it'd be hell, so what did I do? I pretended to still be asleep. Luckily for me, as the time went by and he didn't see any signs of me ' waking up ' anytime soon, he got out of bed and left the room, thankfully closing the door behind him.

As soon as I couldn't hear his foot steps anymore, I shot up in bed and started working on a plan. Of course if I was going to keep Dream safe I'd have to go along with everything so I could convince the Dreamon to spare him. The only issues with that is, well I had to literally go along with everything it wanted, protect my loved ones and somehow figure out how to kill it without it figuring out what I'm doing.. So much was on me now and I have no choice but to face it all, there's no longer anyone to bear it for me, I guess I finally for what I have been wanting...

After stretching my limbs and successfully yawning about a dozen times, I started mentally preparing myself myself for what I was about to go through...alone. I know I can do it, I have no choice, and I just know once this is all over that it'd be worth it. I rubbed my eyes, still tired and wiping away the smudged mascara that clung to my face from crying so hard last night. That thing said it loved me, but how could anyone who loved another treat them the way he did last night? Maybe while I act like I accept the thing I can teach it a thing or two about real love, maybe it would help staying with it for however long i would be.

Before I could react, I heard the eager foot steps and then the door opened , revealing a very wide awake me. My heart started rapidly besting in my chest again and all the previous confidence I had managed to gain suddenly slipped away and was once again replaced with fear. Well, fear and determination. As soon as we met eyes he smiled, that big smile that looked sadly familiar .

Quickly, he walked over to the bed and engulfed me in a hug that I so desperately wanted to escape but couldn't. I needed to hug him back, make him believe I truly accepted him, but my body wouldn't move. When he noticed this, he pulled back and started at me with sad eyes.

" Why aren't you hugging me back Georgie? " He asked too innocently.

" I-i... I'm sorry, I'll hug you back now" I said while trying to collect myself with a small smile.

Just as the words finished coming out of my mouth, he smiled once again and quickly accepted the invitation and hugged me, but tighter this time. Of course I flinched, but he seemed to ignore it. For a split second I didn't move, but then after taking a deep breath I forced myself to wrap my arms around him .

He smiled into the embrace as I was practically shaking and after noticing this he pulled away, clearly frustrated now. He moved his hand toward me and I quickly closed my eyes and put my hands up to protect myself, I just knew he was going to hit me again...but then he didn't and just sighed?

" Why are you still scared of me George? " He asked still stupidly confused, making me slowly open my eyes and put my hands back down to settle on my lap. Why the hell do you think dumbass?!

" How am I supposed to j-just forget last night... What if you get m-mad again and hurt me? " I asked softly.

" I told you I didn't want to do that but I had to. I never want to hurt you or make you scared of me " He answered as he gently held the side of my face, slowly caressing my cheek.

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