Deception or Perception | 5 |

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AN : I think I'm going to start uploading twice a week. I really had fun writing this chapter, please consider voting and enjoy!

( a couple of hours before George woke up)

~ Ranboo's POV ~

I slowly opened my eyes as I awoke from one of my many strange but apparently needed ' naps ' , but I noticed that this time when I woke up that it wasn't light out anymore. More importantly, I was in a bed outside surrounded by trees, one of the usual but unfavorable spots. It was bright as day when I was awake... how long had I been asleep? Not that I'd really consider what I was doing actually sleeping, more just like a part of me was, but not me we as whole . I had known about this-this thing my body has been doing for a while now, it scared me more than anything , so I've just settled of calling it sleep walking even though I knew it wasn't. I needed some sort of comfort, even if it was fake.

Every time I close my eyes I can feel it's pull, hear it's voice, sense it's power and longing ; practically begging me to fall asleep so it can take ahold of me. I have no clue what actually happens when I do, just that it needs to happen, that I am needed for something, something I'll probably never know. At first when I realized this was happening I refused to sleep for days, almost weeks, until my best friend forced me to take a sleeping potion. It went on like that for a while, but now that I've accepted it , I've just been trying to figure out what's happening. Was someone somehow controlling me in my sleep? Or was I willing, in a dream state of mind, working for them knowing that I'd never remember?

I constantly ask myself these questions , sometimes even to the point where I drive myself mad and isolate myself for days, becoming paranoid and distrustful. Friday had been one of those days, but somehow when I woke up I felt totally fine again . My best friend Tubbo and Karl our local wizard are the only people besides me who know what's been happening. Tubbo thinks that whatever is going on with me had been taking a toll on me mentally and that's why I've been breaking down so often, what's worse is Karl agrees with him. Karl is the one who supplies my sleeping potions to help when I can't take it anymore, he's also helping me figure this out, doing whatever wizards like him are capable of doing.

Without even realizing it, I had made my way on a familiar path leading to Tubbos house that's located not too far from here in the depths of the cold snow surrounded by more trees. When I started to feel the cold breeze, that's when I noticed the burns on my arms- no all over my body . Oh great it probably rained while I was asleep, did my other half not have any pain receptors or something? Ugh. I wish I could just control when I fall asleep, most of the time I can if its the normal kind, but lately I'd find myself waking up after not even realizing I had fallen asleep in the first place.

It made Tubbo constantly worry and check up on me, which was very bothersome. Its not that I mind the attention or that he cares, but more so the fact that I don't want him to stress out over me when he has so much more important things to worry about. Tubbo has gone through so much and yet somehow seems to always be going through more crap. If you felt bad for me, well man, he's got it worse. But despite that, he's the only one who really cares for me and I owe him my life for that. He's all I really have.

I finally reached his little town covered in snow and ice by the edge of the sea, and as I spotted his pretty little house I was relieved to see his living room light was still on. Though just as I reached his front door and was about to knock, it swung open and he ran out to hug me. We hadn't seen each other since Thursday almost three days and he was probably worried sick. I watched as he let go and stepped back, his eyes scanning my body with worry heavily laced in them. It was then that I remembered the burns so I quickly put a smile on my face trying to cheer him up. If I was honest they didn't hurt that bad, that or I just couldn't feel them anymore because of the cold. Once he saw me shivering, he pulled my hand and led me into his warm , dark wooden interior house and we sat down on his very comfy sofa.

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