Short Circuit | 15 |

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TW: In this chapter Ranboo will be fighting a lot with his own thoughts and ect. So if that's something you struggle with or something that triggers you I advise that you don't read, I will write a summary of what happened in this chapter at the end so those of you who can't read all of it can still be in the know. <3333

~ When Ranboo walked into the prison to see Dream ~ ( Basically a flashback)

~ Ranboo's POV ~

I was terribly anxious but a part of me was angry and eager to see Dream after all of this time. I know I should've had these feelings for the Dreamon more than Dream, but what I was put through wasn't just because of the Dreamon but Dream too. He had a hand in it, I know he did and so does he.

I was there before he got completely corrupted and taken over, I was there throughout it all- the whole process. The nights when he'd go to L'manberg's castle to walk George home, I was busy taking care of his messes. When he'd go around the land's towns helping people and playing his perfect part, I was covering his tracks. I was the one who he came to when things were getting harder to control, I was the one who convinced him he was still a good person after he'd just done something gods awful.

But I was wrong to do that, it was wrong of me to be there in the first place. I was just a kid.

But do I even know why I was there? Nope. It just seemed that one day I woke up there on the outskirts of this land on a tall island and I just knew deep down that I was supposed to be there and follow whatever commands Dream gave me. Was he fair? At first, but after we officially moved to the towns outside of L'manberg the harder the pull became and the pressure to seem fine started weighing down on him.

Then of course the longer he was possessed the harsher and more evil he became. It started out as just covering his tracks, comforting him after a black out but ended with me burning and destroying things for him - and with me blacking out as well.

My legs trembles slightly as I ghosted through the protocols of the prisons security system and completely blocked out Sam's concerned voice. It took me a minute to realize when were finally here- Dreams cell. This place was as dark and disturbing as the last time I was here...and that was when, well that was when he was finally set free. But I was smart enough than to believe that, me and him both knew we were never really free. He has his nightmares- his constant reminders and I have what he left me with ; anything and everything that could be wrong with a person.

I gulped as I took shakey steps closer and closer until I opened the door, walked in and finally faced him. For a moment he didn't acknowledge me but once he did, he basically did a double take before eagerly getting up and walking as close to me as he could. He looked the same as the last time I saw him, tired and stressed ; broken.

It comforted me in a way knowing that I wasn't the only one here who was broken, but of course my cracks were his fault. The only pity I felt for the man was because of George, but not for his own sake, no he doesn't deserve that.

" What are you doing here? No, how the hell did you get here- out?! Wait, is George out too? " Dream asked eager to get some answers, but he isn't the only one..

Questions, questions, questions. How about answers?

" Hello? Ran-"

" He made me leave...and wouldn't come with me " I answered, my voice barely a whisper.

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