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Three months later

Looking outside L'manbergs castles's old glass stained windows, you really do get the best view in all of this land. It oversees all the surrounding towns and if you have the right potion can even see across seas into enemy territory . I learned that the hard way.

The one thing I use it for though isn't to spy or daydream , but to watch the sunset. It's what I've been doing ever since I got released, I mean I have to do something to pass the time other than worry and plan. Sometimes I wonder if he ever watches it when I am, if we're both looking at the same view, yearning for the same warmth- each other's love.

I remember when I was younger, I think I was about 10 was when I first started talking about love. When you grow up with the world's greatest couple right in front of you how could you not? My parents are my definition of love, they were each other's everything . And just like them, George is my everything.

I never intended for him to get hurt or anyone for that matter, but I guess no one ever does .

It started out as what I thought was me protecting my land but ended up with me realizing it was never really me to begin with - but it. That parasite dug it's claws in me pretty deep and even though it's been over two years I can still feel them, the pain they caused.

I was so stupid - so fucking stupid! Everyone was so busy being happy thinking it was over that they didn't realize what was happening right in front of them. That's the thing, happiness blinds people, fools them into thinking everything is alright. I guess that's why I can still feel it's claws, why I wasn't as blinded because I haven't been truly happy like I was since before the first incident .

But they really were fools. Fools for thinking they could help- fix me. That we all could really just pick up from where we were before and move on, or that I even could. Everyone who didn't rightfully persecute me tried rebuilding me but the only one who could do anything to mend me was George. He made me feel whole and without him I just feel as broken and lost as I was the moment I realized I wasn't in control of my body all those years ago.

He always made everything right. At the beginning I couldn't sleep for a while and that's what really pushed for us to finally move in together and then thankfully after a while, slowly I started finally sleeping. And when I woke up late at night or when it was ridiculously early in the morning in the middle of a panic attack due to my nightmares - he was there.

He was always there.

He was there for me when my parents died, during my role training, throughout the whole Dreamon era when I treated him and everyone like shit, when our lands people were against me and where have I been? I've been fucking locked up in a prison cell that I can't even deny I don't deserve and now he's gone.

I don't... I don't even know if he's still alive, if he's still the same man I know and love.

But if he is, I'll find him and save him.... I have to. I owe him that , I owe him the whole goddamn world and so much more. That sick son of a bitch will pay when I find them for everything it's put George through , but I'll let George make the final blow- get his own revenge . The Dreamon has an upper hand on us for now, but not for long. That's a promise.

" stay strong" I whispered before the Suns light eventually faded and I suffered another nightmare filled sleep.

~ knock knock ~

" coome in" I mumbled still half way asleep , I think I may have gotten around 3 hours, which is sadly more than yesterday night.

" Hey um this just arrived, I uh think you should read it now" said Karl as he walked over and handed it to me.

" seriously? What time is it?" I asked as I slowly rose up from out of my covers.

" four from dawn"

" ugh this better be important, I barely slept a wink last night" I yawned as I opend it to read and he was right, it was.

Dear whoever the hell finds this,

It's been around 5 months since we last saw anyone from L'manberg and we're not planning on coming back anytime soon, unless absolutely necessary . Ranboo asked for me to take Tubbo far away from everything and although I didn't know where we were heading, now I do.

I'm on not going to disclose where because I'm not stupid, but I just want it to be known that we're safe and I'm going through with my promise . I hope all of you are safe and somehow find a way to kick that guys ass, especially for Ranboo.

P. S seriously someone hurry up and kick his ass, if I have to stay another five months with Tubbo I might just kick his.

- Punz

"Thank the gods" I said with a chuckle.

It had been, well as Punz wrote in that letter months since anyone had heard from them. We didn't know if they were okay, if the Dreamon had taken them or what. If I'm being honest at first I wasn't even okay with the idea of them being gone, especially when we need Punz right now, but then I realized that if I could get George somewhere far and safe too that I would without a second thought...i should've .

" So I was right to wake you?" asked Karl hesitantly with that goofball expression of his.

" this time yes, I just can't believe he actually did it though"

" People miss judge Punz too much, it's why they never see it coming when he proves them wrong, he's one of our best guys" said Sapnap as he walked in and wrapped an arm around Karl's waist, but only for a moment because Karl quickly pushed it away.

" seriously?" I scoffed.

Just when I think I might be having a good morning he pulls this shit again.

" What?" asked Karl even though he already knew.

" I get that you don't want to upset me or whatever but I'm fine, seriously so quit pushing every loving gesture Sapnap does away"

" Come on dude he's just trying to be nice" cut in Sapnap.

" well stop, I'm sick of it, sick of everyone acting like I'm going to break" I gritted through my teeth as I out in my shoes and started walking to the door.

" hey no one's doing that"

" that's exactly what everyone's doing! That's why I'm in this castle- so you can keep an eye on me, that's why I'm still on role excuse and why no one ever bothers to ask my damn opinion on how to find my fiance. So just fuck off " I grumbled before finally walking out and leaving them there probably wishing they didn't set me off.

But the sad thing is their not entirely wrong. Every little thing like them being together, or even being in this castle just reminds me of what I don't have anymore. What I could possibly never have again ..

I know it's not their fault- it no ones but mine, but that doesn't stop the rage that builds up inside me everytime I witness someone else's happiness that I used to have. But it's also why I have, no need to take my place back in this land.

Next week is the annual festival and that's when we're going to finally strike. I don't care what it takes, I'm going to end that sick son of a bitch. We're going to win back our freedom.

I'll restore what has been broken if it's the last thing I ever do.

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