Silent Plans | 8 |

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~ Ranboo's POV ~

It didn't take long to catch onto what was going on between the two, George and the Dreamon. It was obvious that George had some sort of plan, there was no other reason for him to be sucking up to the thing, well unless he just feared for his life. If that is the case, I can't really blame him.

It had caught me off guard when he blew up at me earlier, I hadn't realized how much keeping situation under wrap and key would screw us all over. But instantly clicked just how bad I had messed up as soon as he gone done yelling at me, the severity sinking in as the Dreamon revealed its plans for us all.

I doubt that he'd hurt George since she was clinging onto him like a lost puppy, and I knew I'd be okay considering I was just a pawn to him, but a useful one at that. But I couldn't help but fear the worst, what if he got a hold of Tubbo?

Just the thought of that thing touching Tubbo started making me feel a mixture of wanting to throw up and kill it, I mean I obviously would rather the second but I was no fighter.
And let me tell you, if I couldn't even beat Tubbo in our sparing matches, no way would I ever be able to stand a chance against what ever kind of entity that thing is.

I sighed in defeat as I thought of all the possible scenarios that could happen, how badly things could go, and how unless I was in every single one . Whatever side of me that was hidden was grossly good friends with the Dreamon, so maybe he would give me some slack if I just went along with everything like George? But what if be wanted me to hurt someone? Oh gods what if I've already done that...? Am I monster too?

No, no, I'm getting a head of myself. I don't care if I'm not fully me in that state, I'd never hurt someone- never.
Right now I just need to focus on helping George in nay way that I can, that is if he really does have some sort of plan like I'm hoping. I never once relied on him as King before, but now I couldn't be more glad that he is. As King you had to go through extensive training and actively be prepared for situations like this. Okay maybe not ones exactly like this, but he should know what to do.

Though now that I think about it, he does a council he relies on and he's never seen in actual battle... Anytime there's been any sort of battle the only people I've seen fight had been his loyal knights and sometimes Dream and Tommy , though Tommy hasn't really fought for anything in a while. What if he's expecting me to know how to fight? What if he doesn't have a plan at all and we're both just stuck here...

I looked up from the floor to across the room where George was sitting next to the Dreamon on my old worn out sofa listening to him babble on and on about probably something evil. I honestly had stopped listening after he said he wanted to basically ruin Dreams life in the worst possible way. The way that would hurt everyone else around him as well.

But maybe if I could get to Tubbo before he started anything I could persuade him to leave? Yes, pack his bags and travel until be was far far away from here. It's the oh option that doesn't end up with him dead from either trying to protect me or from being used as a pawn against me. And I knew he would try to protect me either way, he's like that, overly protective of the people he loves ; he hates losing them...

" One of the first things that needs to be done is rounding jo everyone that already has a hatred for him and see if they'll help " Said the Dreamon in a sicking calm tone.

" And if they refuse? " Asked George with wide and concerned eyes.

" We'll kill them too, can't have anyone running off and telling on me before we put anything into action, right? " He answered with a chuckle.

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