Orders Are Meant To Obey | 4 |

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AN : I just wanted to write here now before anyone continues reading the story, this is meant to be a spooky/angst story , so things will be getting intense soon. I will be putting trigger warnings before hand, but just keep this in mind.
* btw this chapter will be a little longer than the usual and most of the rest from here on out will be too :)

~ Georges pov ~

When I woke up, I didn't waste anymore time crying or over thinking things anymore. I was done crying, being overwhelmed and listening to other people tell me what to do. I was going to start doing things my way . No more letting others get hurt for me, boss me around or treat me like a child. And I couldn't be more proud of the fact that I'd be starting with a mission to save my boyfriend, my number one supporter. I just hoped that he'd be supportive of this, although I know he would be overly protective at first, I knew he'd want me to stand up for myself.

As soon as I finished getting ready for the day and making sure I look presentable, I walked out of the door and started on my short journey to L'manberg. Of course I have to look nice if I'm King and because like hell would I ever go outside looking anything other than absolutely dashing. I was wearing more of an causal outfit than usual, only because I need to not stand out today : a dark silk blue shirt, black pants, black combat boots, my sword harness with sword and lastly, my white goggles on my dark soft hair to bring everything all together.

And although today probably wasn't the best day to care about my appearance, it was a good distraction. So I thought, why not put some mascara on, but I'd never admit to actually doing it. Only Dream knew that I wore make up, let alone cared so much about my appearance. Now for protection, I had my sword of course, it was in its harness across my back , and I had some throwing knives hidden in my boots and some other places. I may be small in comparison to a lot of people, but I was damn good in hand to hand combat, it's what most underestimated about me.

As I started walking down the dirt made path towards the towns, I tried my hardest to avoid all the annoying mud puddles scattered everywhere. The sun was barely peeking out of the clouds and I was fearful it'd start to rain again soon. I like sunny weather over this rainy weather we've been having lately and it was driving me insane. I wanted to be able to go outside and bake in the sun, but for the most part of this month I've had to instead stay inside and just read a book.

One of my favorite things about our Land was how beautiful it is, to all the wildlife to even the worn down history that still somehow stands. Something I pride myself in is the fact that even the animals felt safe enough to roam and let you pet them, we have a thing about protecting wildlife. If you want to hunt, you have to go outside our Land or on the very edge.
Oh and to clear some things up, I'm only King of L'manberg and even though it's still a growing country, most of the people of our Land aren't apart of it.

So technically no one outside of L'manberg as to show me any sort of obliged respect, but most do anyways because of Dreams position and because of the lack of wanted conflict. I like to think that the people of our Land happen to like me, I mean I'm a really nice person and even go out of my way to help anyway I can even if I don't have any actual legislation and most of the time they are very grateful. Honestly I feel like if it weren't for me that L'manberg wouldn't have lasted as long as it has, I keep it thriving and respected, even if I work mostly behind the scenes.

I let Tommy be the face of L'manberg since he's apart of the original founder family, but if he were actually in charge of anything, it'd probably be in shambles right now, which is exactly why I work as hard as I do. The only issue with that is, no one ever sees what I do because they're all just watching Tommy, I even got my thrown taken away once because the people's ignorance, but once they saw how quick things began to fail they begged for my forgiveness. Now Tommy is just a lost kid who I have to cover up things for.

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