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When we got in the cab I was still fangirling over the fact that Vic called me darling. "And Ohhh my god! Johnnie! Just the way he said it! It was so wonderful and-" I was cut off by his lips on mine. I kissed back but pulled away soon after. "Well that was a nice way of telling me to shut up.." I say breathlessly. He nods smiling. We held hands until arriving back at the hotel.
"Here you are" he says as we reach the door to my room. "Yup.." I nod looking at him. God,it's so beautiful when the boy smiles..
Just like the way he smiles before he kisses me. But he didn't kiss me. Just a peck on the lips before turning to walk back to his room. "Goodnight" I say quietly. "Goodnight." He answers.
I walk into my room and take a shower and brush my teeth. Then I lay down to go to sleep but then I get a knock on my door. "Ugh.." I sigh and get up to answer it.
It was Damon.
"Umm,can I ask what your doing here at 1am?" I say. He nods "I'm just here to tell you that Johnnie told me about your guys' date." I just shake my head "It wasn't a date Damon.." He raises an eyebrow "Oh really? Then why did he bring you flowers and kiss you twice.?" He asks sarcastically. "Wow,he really got into detail with you didn't he.." I mumble. Damon just nods with a smirk. "That's what I thought.." He says. I sigh "What's the point Damon? I'm tired and I need sleep.." I say. "Just uhm, don't push him away or anything. He really wants to be there for you and I think you should open up to him more.." He shrugs and walks off. "Okay.." I say and walk back into my room. I lay in my bed and stay up thinking about the events that just happened.
I got 3 hours of sleep.

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