15. (Back to Ky's POV)

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When the kiss finally ended, we kind of just sat there for a few minutes looking at each other. I don't know what he was thinking about but all I could think about was how much I wanted to just scream into a pillow. I didn't even mention to him that was my first kiss. I didn't think it mattered much until it actually happened though. And with a person so perfect...
He finally snapped me out of my daze.
"Uh.. Ky.. I should probably go.." He says. I nod and get up. "Thanks for, coming over..." I say awkwardly holding the hotel door open for him. He leaves with a nod and a smile.
I walk over to my bed and scream into the pillow. I forgot that Damon's room connected to mine and he rushed in. "WHAT HAPPENED KY? Are you hurt?" He says. I just laugh and turn to look at him. "Oh no, Damon, I've never been better.." I say with an idiot grin on my face. He stares at me with an eyebrow raised. "Johnnie was here for a while... What happened between you two?" He asked. "Umm, uh, I think it would be best to ask Johnnie. I'm not sure if anyone is supposed to know.." He nods and starts walking down the hall towards Johnnies room.
Five minutes later Damon and Bryan burst through my door. "Damn gurl, I wonder how dem lips feel. Well, you should know." Damon says in a phony ghetto accent. Bryan just laughs "Did you guys actually kiss though?" Bryan asks excitedly. I nod and smile "Yeah.."
Bryan starts running back down the hall to Johnnies room and Damon follows him out. I close the door and call my mom. (M- Mom, K-Ky)
M- Hey, how's tour going.?
K- Um, if I tell you something, you can't freak out. Promise?
M- I promise.
K- Johnnie kissed me.
M- Aww,on the cheek?
K- Not exactly..
M- You mean, mouth on mouth?
K- Uh,yeah..
M- Ky! Slow down! Have some respect for yourself.
K- Okay mom, you promised not to freak out.
M-Fine. Well, I have to go, it's really late here. I love you.
K-Love you too.

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