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The set ended and Of Mice and Men set up to perform "Another You". Johnnie held me close because I was still scared from what happened during Motionless In White's set. I had to explain the whole jail thing to him later. I won't tell Kyle though, I need a friend who isn't going to sympathize me. I wish Johnnie wouldn't sympathize everything so much but at the same time it makes me feel good knowing he cares so much.

"Another You" starts playing and the crowd is jumping. A mosh pit starts in the middle and I just watch the people out of the corner of my eye. I laughed slightly as some guy tripped and fell onto the ground.

"Why are you laughing?" Johnnie asked looking down at me. I shook my head "It's nothing really,just the mosh pit.." I say quietly in between giggles. He nods and watches the rest of the set.

~Back On The Bus~
I crawled into my bunk before Bryan looked up at me slightly laughing and slightly embarrassed. "Umm, what's so funny Bryan?" I ask confused by his outburst of chuckles. "Well, since Kyle is going to be joining us.. Some people are going to have to share a bunk.." He said quietly. I nod "Okay so you and Damon or Damon and Johnnie or You and Johnnie." I say nonchalantly. He just laughs even harder. "Umm, actually no. You and Johnnie." He says. I blush darkly "W-What? Why?" I ask. "Because, you guys have already kisses and stuff and there's no reason for me or Damon to have to share a bunk when you guys are practically a couple" he says. I sigh. "But how does Johnnie feel about the situation.?" I ask sassily. "He already agreed." Bryan said with a slightly grin. I slapped Bryan's arm. "Fine, but please don't make this any more awkward than it already is.." He just nodded and went to lay down.

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