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I finally fell asleep. I woke up at about 9:00am and Johnnie and Damon are sitting down on Johnnies bunk. Damon notices me "Rise and shine soldier!" He says. I roll my eyes. "I'm still mad at you Damon." He shrugs and then goes back to talking to Johnnie. I get up and go to the restroom. I straighten my hair, brush my teeth and do my makeup. When I come back out we are parked outside of a hotel.
We check in and we all have our own room and they all connect. I set my stuff down and turn on the tv. I start watching Supernatural and checking out the little sample items.

Johnnie walks in my room without knocking. "Hey" he says. "Hey" I smile. "Mind if I join you?" He asks pointing to the tv and the area of my bed the I wasn't sitting in. I nod. "Sure"
We were sitting at first but then we started messing around and talking.
"Favorite Supernatural quote?" He asks me. "No chick flick moments." I answer laughing. "Yours?" I ask. "Same." He laughs. I lay down and watch the show. He lays down next to me and wraps an arms around my waist. I clench my jaw slightly before thinking so I could avoid any situations like the last one.
Are we...cuddling? Isn't that a couple thing? I think. Are we a couple? No. Obviously not, but will we ever be? Maybe. I eventually fall asleep in his arms.

And this is the moment I fell in love with Johnnie Guilbert.

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