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When I woke up,Johnnie was already awake and in the bathroom. I grabbed my stuff and waited for him to come out so I could take a shower. My phone was full of Twitter notifications but I don't need that kind of negativity right now..
When he came out he hugged me. "Good morning beautiful" he said with a smile. "Good morning" I reply blushing darkly at the floor. He laughed softly and walked back over to the bunk. I walked into the bathroom quickly hoping for my face to stop being red..
I took a quick shower and then blow dried,straightened my hair. Changed into my "The Black Parade" shirt and some black ripped skinny jeans. I put on a flower crown because why not? I then put on some eyeliner,mascara,and some foundation.
When I came out of the bathroom Damon was looking at me like I was one of those starving kids in Africa you see in the commercials. I raised an eyebrow. "Damon,why are you looking at me like that..?" I ask nervously. He jut sighs and shakes his head. "Bryan,you wanna take this one?" He asks. Bryan sits on Damon's bunk. "Uh,you should probably sit down Ky.." He says quietly. I nod and do as I'm told. "Well,the incident with your father...he wasn't supposed to be out of jail yet. Since he knows your current address, the police want you to stay with us until they can get him back into custody. It's for your own safety." He says. I nod slowly "So..he knows where my mom is..he could hurt her. I can't leave her by herself like that Bryan.." I whisper with tears in my eyes. "You kind of have to Ky..the police have her on watch so I'm sure he's not stupid enough to go there." Bryan said quietly. I nodded and bit my lip. Johnnie came and sat next to me. From the look in his eyes I could tell he already knew,but didn't want to be the one to tell me. I buried my face in my hands. "G-Guys..I think I'm going to be sick.." I say before running into the bathroom. I threw up multiple times before feeling someone pull my hair back. Surprisingly, it was Damon. Johnnie sat and rubbed my back comfortingly. When I was done a washed my face and laid down.
"I don't know if I can go to the meet and greet today guys.." I whisper. They all nod just as Kyle wakes up. I laugh quietly at his bed head. He walks to the bathroom and when he comes out he looks like the Kyle David Hall everyone knows and loves. I can tell he knows too. Wow, I guess the only people that think I'm just the average person are the very few YouTube fans I have. I might as well act like I'm just an average girl for them. "On second thought, I'll go out there. I'll go out there for the people who want to see me." I say boldly. I just forgot about one thing...
Johnnie's fans.

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