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We finally reach Bryan's bus and when we get there the band is already waiting for us. I almost burst into tears. "Hey guys!" Bryan says. "Hey" Kellin says smiling. I see his wife Katelynn and their daughter Copeland standing off in the distance by the SWS bus. I smile uncontrollably. Bryan looks at me. "Dude, I totally forgot to even ask what your name was" I laugh and tell him. "Oh okay, well guys, this is Ky." He says smiling. I wave nervously at the band. They smile and all repeatedly say "Hey Ky" I fangirl on the inside. The door to Bryan's bus opens and Johnnie walks out. "Oh shit!" He says laughing. "I didn't know you had an interview. Are you guys filming yet?" We all start to laugh. "No were just about to start" Bryan says. "Oh, and this is my new friend,Ky" he says motioning to me while messing with the camera. Johnnie moves his attention to me and I just about lose it. He starts walking towards me and further away from the bus. " Hi, I'm Johnnie" he says extending his hand out to me. "Yeah I know. I'm Ky" I smile and shake his hand.

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