29. (Ky's POV)

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When the meet and greet hours were over we decided to go watch Motionless In White perform "Break The Cycle". It was me, Johnnie, and Kyle. "Wait, so your parents just decided to let you go on Warped Tour?" Kyle asked me in amusement. "Uhm...it's just my mom and me actually. And yeah, there were like three more days of school..she kind of caught on that I didn't like my therapy and thought I should get out of town for a while" I say with a shrug. Then I realized what I just admitted. Crap, now Kyle is going to think I'm some freak who has to go to therapy..
"Oh." He said with a nod. I could tell he was wondering about me because the rest of the walk to get to the stage was filled with silence. He looked over at Johnnie. Johnnie have him an 'I'll explain later' look. I just sighed and walked with them.
When we got there I was kind of upset. I ruined the chances of Kyle wanting to be my friend. Who would want to be friends with some crazy chick that goes to therapy? Now Johnnie is going to explain to him why and it's going to be worse. He might say things like "Stay Strong" and stuff like that. I just want an unbiased friendship. One where they don't treat you different because of situations your in... Whatever.. But then I felt someone grab my hand. It wasn't Johnnie because he was on the other side of me.. I turned, expecting it to be Kyle...

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