7. Johnnies P. O. V

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We stare into each other's eyes for a while. I'm not sure what she's thinking because she hides her emotions so well. But all I can think about is how beautiful she is. How her eyes are brown but they have these little flecks of grey around the edges but yet they have a golden glow...
The bus comes to a halt. We get out and I decide to take a big step. I grab Ky's hand and lead her down the steps and then I walk her to the stage as MIW is performing "Reincarnate" she leans over and whispers in my ear "I love this song" I smile and nod. We stay for the whole show holding hands, and at one point she laces our fingers as I look over at her. She's jumping and her eyes are closed and she just enjoys the music. Pumping her fist in the air and screaming the lyrics at the top of her lungs.
This is the moment that I fell in love with Kylee Drew Smith.

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