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We kissed for a while, not a make out session or anything but we were kissing obviously long enough to get to the concert because the cab driver started to yell at us. "Aye, get your lips off of each other and get the hell out! I got you here now get out!" He shouted. We pulled away,laughed and exited the cab. He took my hand and led me into the stadium.
I looked around. I couldn't believe we were actually going to be watching Pierce The Veil, one of my all time favorite bands. "So,what's your favorite Pierce The Veil song?" I ask. "Umm, probably Disasterology." He replies. I laugh "Ugh, your so predictable!" I say playfully. "I don't care, it's a good song. What's yours?" He asks. "Hold On Til' May" I answer. He nods "It's a good song, it reminds me of someone I know" he says. I raise an eyebrow "Really, who?" I ask. He just laughs "You,dork." He says. I nod "Oh, right, did I mention we get VIP access and were meeting them after the show?" He asks smiling. My eyes widen "WHAT?!?" I shout. He just nods smiling. "OH MY GOD! Johnnie!" I yell jumping up and hugging him. He just laughed and held me close.
Thirty minutes later Sleeping With Sirens started playing "Do It Now,Remember Later"
I just sang along. A few minutes later Johnnie got pulled into the mosh pit and I went in to try and find him. "WELL DO WHAT WE WANT TO YEAH YEAH YEAH!!!!" Some guy screamed and swung right for my eye. "Ow,fuck" I say holding my eye. The song changed to "If I'm James Dean Then Your Audrey Hepburn" I finally found Johnnie. He seemed to know what he was doing, dodging blows and jumping with the crowd. He saw me and laughed grabbing my hand and pulling me away from the pit.
"You okay?" He asked shouting over the crowd. I nod letting go of my eye.

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