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When I finally woke up, it was around noon and Johnnie had already left. But he left a note,
"Went over to Bryan's to make a video, text me when you get up and we can go hang out if you'd like."

I smiled and got dressed in some purple skinny jeans and a purple and black Motionless In White shirt. I slipped on my black beanie and grabbed a sample water bottle and took a drink.
When I finally figured out what to text him, someone was knocking on the door. I opened it and it was Damon standing there followed by a laughing Bryan and a camera. Johnnie was behind them and I could tell he was annoyed by what was going to happen.
Damon started to fake cry "I just came here to say.." He started "IM SOOO FREAKIN SORRY!" He shouted. I couldn't help but laugh. "ANNND I hope you do love him. Bye!" And then he ran away with Bryan frantically chasing him yelling "That wasn't the script Damon!" I turned bright red realizing Johnnie was still there.
He shook his head "Don't worry about it Ky, they're being idiots." I nod. "So, you wanted to hang out?" I ask. "Yeah" he says. "I was thinking about getting lunch and then heading to Warped at around 2" he says. I nod "Oh, okay."

We stop at a little family owned resteraunt and get something to eat. Then we start walking back to the hotel parking lot. We board Bryan's bus and hang out there until two.

Finally, Bryan drives us to Warped and we get out and walk around by the merch tables. "So what's your favorite band?" Johnnie asks slightly brushing his hand against mine before holding it. I feel like my heart skipped a beat but I still manage to answer "I don't know. My Chemical Romance or Of Mice and Men probably..." I answer. He nods. "Yours?" I ask. He shrugs and interlocks our fingers "I don't know, there's too many good ones." I nod. "Agreed." I say.

We walk around like this for quite a while. Then a band called Beartooth performs and we go to watch their set. "Wow!" I yell over all the noise. "What?" Johnnie shouts back over the noisy crowd. "They're really good!" I yell. He nods.
When the set ended we walked back over to Bryan's bus where he was interviewing Of Mice and Men. I started to fall on the ground and Johnnie held me up laughing. "What's wrong Ky?" I just point over at Austin Carlile and make a half screeching half crying noise. Johnnie just laughs and walks over there holding my hand. "Hey guys!" Bryan says "the interview just ended so we can just hang out on camera for bonus footage if you want" he says. Johnnie nods "Or we could just film Ky fangirling over the band." He suggests holding in a laugh. I glare at him "Seriously Johnnie?" I say. Damon starts laughing "That's actually a pretty good idea. Austin go hug her and see what happens." Austin gives a shrug to the rest of his band mates and makes his way over to hug me. I squeal on accident while trying to keep my cool.
Austin and the rest of the band don't really care because I'm sure it happens all the time. Austin and I hug and I start crying tears of joy. He let's out a small laugh before letting go and walking over to the band while each and every band member comes up and hugs me. Once they finally finish, I collapse onto the grass completely fangirling and embarrassing myself while the guys talk and Johnnie watches me. He seems amused.
When the band finally leaves I get up and tell them bye like a normal person. Johnnie laughs. "You okay?" He asks. I glare but I can't help smiling at him. I slap the side of his arm. "Jerk." I say. He shrugs "Doesn't compare to what Damon did." I nod "True."
"Why are you bringing me into this?!" Damon asks. I laugh "it's only fair after what you did!" He shrugs. Then we board the bus and head back to the hotel.

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