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~At The YouTubers Tent~
We met a few cool fans. But we also got a lot of hateful comments. As for the people that made them,let's just say I'm glad the security here isn't too rough. Me and Johnnie held hands. It felt nice that he didn't care if he lost fans for me. Not that I wanted him to, it's just, as a YouTuber,your fans are like your whole world. But I meant more then that to Johnnie. I sighed happily when the meeting hours were over.
We started to walk over to a food place. "Oh,I'm not hungry Johnnie." I say shaking my head. "Ky, you haven't eaten in almost two days. You have to get something." He says,the concern showing in his voice. "I'm just not hungry.." I say leaning on him gently. "But I'm kind of tired.." I say with a slight yawn. He nods and leads me back to the bus. I wasn't really tired at all. I just wanted to be alone with him,and not the kind of alone you get at a concert where you don't know anyone around you so it seems as if your alone. I mean the alone where it's just you two,and nothing and no one else matters.
We got back to the bus and walked inside. He picked me up and spun me around quickly before setting me back down on my feet. I let out a small laugh. I leaned my head on his chest as he planted a few small kisses on my neck. I bit my lip hard and watched him. He stopped and looked at me. "I'm sorry,I couldn't help it.." He says quietly. He looks ashamed. I put a hand on his cheek gently. "Don't be sorry.." I whisper. He looks into my eyes and kisses me gently. We kiss for quite a while until Damon comes in with a camera. Vlogging. "Ohhh shit guys. I think I walked in on something.." He says awkwardly turning the camera to us. "Damon, please. Can you not?" I whisper frantically turning red. Johnnie just laughs and kisses me again. I kiss back but he's smirking and I can tell this one's for the camera. Better yet, this one goes out to all the haters I think.

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