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When I finally get home my mom greets me smiling. "Hi hon, how was therapy?" She asks. I shrug. "It was alright." She nods and smiles. "You'll get used to it. Anyways, I have a surprise for you..." She says. I can tell she's trying really hard to contain excitement so it's probably gonna be pretty cool. "Uh,okay..." I say. She leads me over to her laptop. I look closely and read the top of the page. It's an email from the Warped Tour website. I read it out loud. "Thank you for purchasing your tickets with Warped Tour Online." I look at my mom shocked. "Mom, were going to Warped Tour?!?" I nearly shout. She shakes her head. " I'm not going I'm just dropping you off with your cousin Tess." I nod still taking it all in. "Oh my god... Thank you so much!" I scream hugging her. She laughs and holds me close. "No problem sweetheart, anything to make you happy." And that sums up my day...

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