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When I woke up I got dressed, did my hair,brushed my teeth, did my makeup and walked over to Bryan's room. I knocked on the door. He opened up with a grin "What do you need Mrs. Guilbert *fake cough* I mean,Ky" I just blush and shake my head. " I was wondering if you had a camera I could use..I'm going to be making a vlog today.." I say. He nods and comes back with a camera, a tripod, and a bag full of cords and stuff that I have no idea how to use. "If you need any help with it just ask one of us. The camera should be charged up,and I'll have Damon help you edit and upload it tonight." I nod. "Okay,thanks Bryan" I say. He nods and I walk back to my room.
I see a little note on the door. It read 'Good Luck with your first video!-Johnnie' I just smiled and walked inside. I packed all my things since we would be traveling to Boston after Warped today. I walked down to the lobby,camera in hand while Bryan signed the papers to check us out of the hotel.

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