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When I woke up,me and Johnnie were both in bed. I must have fell asleep outside because I don't quite recall coming back inside. All I remember is that,well,I think we're official. I don't really know though.. I shrug it off and pick up my phone.
I check twitter laughing at some hate comments of mine. My fan-base is slowly growing but they stand up for me a lot. I follow them and reply to as many as I can. I notice a lot of mentions of me for a tweet from Johnnie. I curiously go to his profile.
Then I see it. Well, let's see how amazing I'll be treated by his fans after this.
It has my picture and the tweet says;
You see this girl? She is my world. My everything. And now I can officially call her mine.<3

I laughed softly. A smile quickly spreading across my face. There were a lot of negative comments but I could care less. Johnnie is really all I've got going for me right now,and the fact I'm making him,and a few of his fans,happy. It makes me happy. He wakes up and groans in sleep.
I peck his lips "Morning Mr. Romeo." I say with a slight giggle. "Morning my beautiful Juliet." He says with a cute sleepy smile.
"No PDA in the lobby you hooligans!" Damon says with a laughing Kyle behind him. I just shake my head "Damon, your just jealous that I stole your boyfriend." I say smirking. He shakes his head and walks back to the front of the bus with Bryan. Johnnie sits up and fixes his hair. "I'm really sorry about this whole situation and all my hateful fans and stuff Ky. I wish I could make it all stop.." He says sleepily. I shake my head and hold his hand gently "Don't worry..being yours makes all my pain and worries go away. I don't know how but you just make everything better." I say with a grin. He smiles and kisses my cheek. "That was cheesy wasn't it..?" I say blushing. "No,it was cute though." He says smiling. I shake my head. "Whatever. So, I was thinking after the meet and greet,we could go watch Black Veil Brides perform?" I ask. God, he's so cute I just want to hug him and never let him go. He nods "Yeah,sure. Just don't ask Andy to be your baby daddy or anything." He says jokingly. "Shut up,I was having a fangirl moment." I say pouting. "Yeah I know. Hey, maybe we could try to talk to Austin Carlile. Oh or maybe Alan Ashby?" He says amused with my pout. "Shut up!" I say giggling. "Or what? You gonna make me?" He says with a wink. I nod and wrap my arms around his neck. He puts his arms around my waist as I press my lips to his. We kiss until we are interrupted by Bryan clearing his throat. I look up at him blushing. "Well hello there Mr. Stars." Johnnie says laughing. "Hello there Mr. and Mrs. Guilbert." He says. "Get up and get dressed please? We have an hour before the meet and greet." He says pointing to the clock on the wall. We both get up and pick out some clothes for the day.

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