31. (A Flashback)

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"Hi honey." My mother said with a smile as I walked into the house. "Hi mommy!" I exclaim as happy as any other seven year old would. "Where's dad?" I asked. "He's out in the garage. You can go out there with him if you want." She says. I run outside, and then into the garage. "Daddy !" I say happily. There were beer bottles everywhere. This was unusual but I didn't ask. "You bet your ass I'm your daddy" he said turning around. I turned around to leave. He gripped my wrist and forced me to stay. Other things happened that day..
*flashback over*
I cry into Johnnie's shoulder as security takes my dad away from the show. "It's okay..." He whispered soothingly. The show went on and though the crowd went wild,we stood there quietly and held onto each other tightly. My breathing began to slow down,which was a good sign. "What happened?" He asked quietly. "M-My dad found out where I was.." I whispered. "He shouldn't even be out yet" I say clenching my jaw. Johnnie raises an eyebrow "Out? What do you mean,out?" He asks. "Out of jail..." I whisper. He just nods and doesn't ask any further,yet.
Once Kyle finds us he asks the same questions. And I give him the same flat anwers. I honestly don't want to talk about my situation with my dad..

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