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Johnnie follows me into the restroom but I'm already crying. He puts an arm around me and sits next to me on the tiny sink. "Hey, it's okay.." He says in a calm soothing voice. I sniffle. "I'm pissed off. But tell Damon I said sorry for hitting him. It was a heat of the moment thing." I say. Johnnie laughs softly. "Nah, Damon doesn't need an apology he kind of had that one coming for him." I laugh. Johnnie hugs me and holds me close for a while.
When we finally leave the bathroom, I lay down in my bunk and call my mom.
(M-Mom, K-Ky)
M- Hi honey, how's tour so far?
K- It's alright. Damon just screwed me over though.
M- WHAT?? You were raped?!?
K- No! No! Mom, it's a phrase...
M-Oh,okay, what happened?
K- Well you know how I have a tendency to think out loud right?
M- Yes, why?
K- Well I was thinking about how Johnnie held my hand at the Motionless In White concert..
M- What?! I thought I told you to be careful!
K- Relax mom, do you want me to tell you or not?!
M- Fine, continue.
K- Well I said out loud that I think I'm in love with him and Damon told Johnnie.
M- I don't know how to help you with that darling.
K- Well I gotta go..
M- Okay, I love you.
K- Love you too, bye

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