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The day finally comes. Warped Tour. The best day of my life is finally here. I sigh looking in the mirror. A lot of stuff has happened at school. Even the teachers are making jokes about me cutting myself. I don't say anything but, my science teacher told me I had to roll up my sleeves because we would be dealing with fire, then he told me not to get blood on his carpet. So funny...
I just want to go to Warped Tour and then I'll do it. I nod and look at myself in the mirror. I'll do it when I get home. I'll write a letter to my mom and to my therapist. And to my school. And to Johnnie. I think about that for a long time, what would he do if he knew what I was going to do? I shrug and put a beanie over my bright red hair. I had just dyed it the night before so it looked amazing. I had some self confidence. I smiled a fake smile. It was good practice for when I got there.

Finally Tess came and picked me up. She was so beautiful. In a natural way. I can't really describe it. I mean, I know she's wearing makeup but not for the purpose of making herself look better, just to make her look darker. I know she's dyed her hair but still, she looks so flawless without ever trying. And her taste in music, makes her my favorite cousin. "Get in the car loser, were going moshing" I laugh and get in. "Nice Mean Girls reference" she nods and thanks me.

When we finally get there I check out the merch tents. I lost Tess within the first five minutes but I'm not really focused on finding her. I'm focused on having a good time.

I walk around and then I hear screaming. I see Bryan Stars running behind the merch tents. I laugh and walk closer. The screaming wasn't even fangirls as I suspected, it was Damon. I walk over to them hoping they would notice me. They didn't so I did the only thing I could in a desperate time like this. "BRYAN!" I yelled. He didn't turn around but I could tell he heard me. "B SIZZLE HAWT!" I screamed. I heard Damon laughing and Bryan finally turned around and came up to me.
My pulse quickened. "H-Hi" I stammered out. "Hey!" He smiled still laughing from my reference to Johnnie's nickname for him. "What's up guys?" I say gaining some confidence. I think they like me. I smile and this time it's real. " Were about to go interview Sleeping With Sirens." He says. "Wanna join us?" Damon offers. Bryan nods and looks at me "Yeah, we could use some help with finding questions and stuff since someone... Not naming any names DAMON! Lost my copies" We all start laughing and I nod. "Yeah sure. That would be pretty cool."

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