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It's about 2 am and I wake up realizing the plane is shaking a LOT more than usual. Kids are screaming and people are panicking. I look over at Johnnie but he's still asleep. "Johnnie, wake up, please, I'm scared." I say shaking his arm gently. He wakes up slowly, sleep still in his eyes. "What?" I point to the panicking people and he nods. "I'm scared, what's happening?" I ask franticly. He puts an arm around me. "It's okay Ky, it's probably just turbulence." He says calmly. I nods still panicking and my breathing gets kind of weird. I feel like I'm having an anxiety attack because I feel like passing out and I lean over on Johnnie. "C-Can't b-breathe. Help...p-please.." I whisper. "Oh god, Ky! Somebody help!" He yells. A flight attendant comes over and takes us to a private area of the plane. "Ky, it's just turbulence, it's okay.." The attendant whispers to me. I just gasp for air. They put a wet rag on my head and whisper stuff to me. I sit up feeling slightly better and the shaking stops soon after. They escort us back to our seats and I slept with my head on Johnnie's chest for the rest of the flight.

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