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When we get to my room I just flop onto the bed. Johnnie laughs and sits down next to me. "So, have you made any videos yet?" He asks. "No, I was thinking of making a vlog tommorow though." I answer. He nods "Can I be in it?" He asks laughing. "Of course, why would I leave you out?" I answer. He shrugs.
"I'm going to turn on some music." I say. I hop up and grab my phone and play "A Love Like War" by All Time Low and Vic Fuentes. I sit down next to Johnnie again slightly humming to the music. Before I can even realize what happening I feel him holding my hand. I blush darkly and look over at him. He keeps looking at me, but his eyes go from looking into mine to staring at my chin. Or maybe he's looking at my lips. I try and keep a straight face as Johnnie leans in..
And kisses me.

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