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About an hour later I get a knock on my door. I open it and see a smiling Johnnie holding a bouquet of carnations. "I felt like roses were to mainstream." He says handing me the flowers. I laugh "Thanks Johnnie.." I say putting them in a vase.
"Alright, so are you ready?" He says. I nod excitedly. "Hell yeah!" I say and then I blush. He laughs and takes my hand leading me to the elevator.
I smile and walk with him. It feels nice knowing that he's done being reclusive. I hated the times when we didn't talk. He's my best friend, I couldn't lose him like that again. We rode the elevator down to the lobby and walked out holding hands.
People were looking at us and smiling and some little girl was staring in amazement like she was watching a Disney movie or something. I just laughed covering my face with my free hand. Johnnie looked at me laughing and took my hand away from my face.
"No, no covering your face Ky." He said. I nodded blushing. We walked outside where there was a taxi waiting for us. We got in and Johnnie told the driver the address. "So.." I say. He lightly pushed my shoulder "Oh stop being so awkward!" I just laughed. "It's your fault I'm being awkward!" I say in my defense. He just shrugs "You kissed me back..." He says laughing. "Oh whatever,you put your lips on mine first and-" I was cut off by Johnnie's lips pressed against mine.
(XD sorry I had to!)

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