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When we landed I woke up to Johnnies voice. "Ky, were in New York.." He says pushing my hair out of my eyes. I smile and nod. We exit the plane and pick up our stuff at the baggage claim.
Then we find Bryan and Damon at the airport Starbucks. "Hey there Prince Charming." Damon calls to Johnnie. Johnnie rolls his eyes and walks over to them. I blush darkly and sit down next to Bryan. "So, are you okay? I heard what happened on the plane.." Bryan says quietly. I nod "Yeah, it's fine the flight attendant and Johnnie helped me.." I say. Johnnie looks over realizing I said his name. I blush "I was just telling Bryan about the plane incident.." I say to Johnnie. He nods and goes back to his conversation with Damon. I sigh. "So, how's it been between you guys lately?" Bryan asks. I bite my lip "Not too great, it's been really awkward and he's being distant.." I say sadly. Bryan nods "Yeah,I can tell he's trying to make it better for you guys. He told me he's taking you to-" Johnnie cuts him off. "Bryan,can you not?" He says. Bryan just rolls his eyes. I bite my lip holding in a laugh. When they fight it's so ridiculous..
When the bus gets there and Bryan's old friend gives us the keys we put our stuff away and sit down. Once Bryan starts driving and gets into conversation with Damon,Johnnie walks over to me.
I look at him but I don't say anything. "Ky, when we get into the city,can I take you somewhere?" I nod "Sure,can you tell me where..?" He laughs "No! That would ruin the whole surprise!" I laugh and nod. "Fine.." I say and fake glare at him. We sit next to each other silently for the whole rest of the way.

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