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When we got to the YouTubers tent/booth, the fans were screaming out our names. Mostly the guys but I appreciate the few people who supported me. I wait next to Johnnie for anyone to even recognize me. A few people do and I hug them awkwardly and take selfies with them. Some girl gave me a friendship bracelet that matched hers. Then, there was a rude fan of Johnnie's. She shoved past me making me stumble into a merch box. I got up with help from Bryan and laughed it off at first. Then she pretended to be embarrassed about it by giving me a hug and apologizing. When we were hugging she whispered to me "Stay away from him." My eyes widened slightly and I turned from her gaze. She grabbed my wrist "Look at me." She said loud enough for everyone to hear. "Uhm.o-okay.." I say quietly looking at her. "You stay away from him,alright? He doesn't need some ugly scene chick to ruin his life." She said coldly. Johnnie heard her. "Excuse me, Stephanie?" He called after her as she was walking away. "Yeah Johnnie" she said turning around smiling at him like she never said anything. "You can either delete every picture of us on your phone,and be escorted out of Warped Tour for harassing a YouTuber or, you can apologize to Ky." He said. She just scoffed "I don't think you realize how little power you have over me Johnnie. I'm not apologizing and you can't make me delete any content on my phone." She said waving it up in the air. I sighed and looked down at my wrist. It was purple and reddish from where she grabbed it. "Alright," Johnnie said clearly amused by how little she knew about the Warped Tour system "Bryan,call security." He said looking me right in the eye. I have him a small smile. Security came and escorted her away.
~Later that day~
When we got back to the bus, I was exhausted. The Stephanie girl wasn't the only one of her kind. God, there were a lot of assholes. Well, of course they were nice to the guys but to me... Wow. I changed into pajama shorts and sat down on me and Johnnie's bunk. I put in my headphones and started listening to "This Is Gospel" by Panic! At The Disco. I laid down and faced the wall. I didn't really want to talk to anyone right now except for Johnnie but they were all going to walk to Chipotle and get something to eat. I just sat here alone and tried to process the events of today. It was kind of stuffy in the bus so I decided to sit outside. I didn't realize we were parked by other busses because I started to sing, not really loud but loud enough for someone to hear if they really wanted to. Then I heard footsteps behind me. "Johnnie?" I ask before turning around. It definitely wasn't Johnnie. Damn, I've seen pictures of him before and he looked so flawless. I always blamed filters or angles but Andy Biersack is even more gorgeous in person. It took me a moment to realize I was just staring at him. "Oh, u-uhm, hi?" I said quietly. He laughed softly "What are you doing out here? It's late and your young." He said concern hidden in his voice. "I'm actually a YouTuber,I'm here with Bryan Stars,Johnnie Guilbert,Damon Fizzy,and Kyle." I say shrugging "I was just getting some air." He nods "Just getting air?" I nod looking down at the ground again "Yeah,something like that." I say. "Well,my bus is over there if you ever need anything" he said with a small smile. Then he walked back into his bus. I'm guessing he was smoking and then saw me out here. Eh, It doesn't really matter. The thing is, I met Andy freakin' Biersack. I am obviously back to my normal fangirl self by the time the guys get back from Chipotle.
"Heyyyy gurl." Bryan says in a faux ghetto voice. I just laughed softly "Hey." I say with a grin. Johnnie walks over to me and raises an eyebrow "So happy all of a sudden.." He says sitting down next to me. I nod smiling "Yeah I may have made a friend.." I say. "How? You've been in the bus." He said laughing slightly. "Well I went outside for some air and I met Andy." I say with a shrug trying not to have another fangirl moment. "Andy as in, Black Veil Brides Andy?" He asks amused. I nod "Yup." I say starting to slightly fangirl. He nods laughing at my attempt to keep my cool. "It was sooo cool. He's gorgeous. Like excuse me sir, can I have your babies?" I say laughing. Johnnie nods but I can tell the joke isn't funny anymore. "Uh,sorry. Fangirl moment.."'I say leaning on his shoulder. "It's fine bab- I mean..Ky" he says blushing lightly.

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