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After I got off the phone with my mom, I brushed my teeth and went to bed. It was 11 PM.
At around 2am, Bryan and Damon came bursting through the door with a camera. "KY! WAKE UP!" Bryan shouted. I turned over much to my annoyance seeing that They were filming me. "Why? What the hell Bryan! I'm trying to sleep!" I say. "We have to go! I forgot we had a flight and we have to be at the airport in an hour!" He says. Damon just films it. I sigh "Fine, but get the camera off of me until I get dressed and do my makeup and look like a human being." They leave the room.
I sigh and get up putting on black skinnys and a Nirvana tshirt. I pack up all my things and walk to the hotel desk to check out.
We all meet up by Bryan's bus. We all load in and Johnnie sits by me but we don't talk much. "Hi.." I saw awkwardly. "Hey." He responds. I just smile and then look out the window. I don't really know what to do, I mean, after the kiss things haven't been the same. Even though it's been less than 12 hours since our lips touched I can already tell that we will never be the same.
Damon starts laughing hysterically. I look at him with a raises eyebrow. "What's so funny?" I ask. He just points to Johnnie who was looking at me. I blush deeply when I realize he's been staring at me this whole time. He looks over at Damon with his jaw clenched. He looked pretty pissed off,actually. "Shut up Damon" he says. I bite my lip. Once Damon shuts up he joins Bryan in the front of the bus. Then me and Johnnie start talking.
"You know, your emotions are really hard to read." He says. I shrug "I guess I've practiced.." I say. He raises an eyebrow "What do you mean?" He asks. "Well, if I let my guard down, people might keep hurting me and the more I hide my emotions, the less I get hurt.." I answer. "Well, you don't have to hide them from me.. I promise I won't hurt you.." He says putting a hand gently on my cheek. Our eyes meet. "Uh..thanks,I guess." I say awkwardly. He nods and takes his hand away. Nice going Ky, you ruined the moment. We pull up to the airport and board the plane. The bus is going to be driven by some guy that Bryan knows so we will have it when we get to New York.

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