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I got up and walked to Bryan's bunk and sat down without saying anything. He looked up from his phone "Whatcha need gurl?" He said with a ghetto voice. I swear,he must be related to Gerard Way because he sure is sassy (sorry if you don't get the reference cx). "Um,has my mom tried to contact me.. My phone has been out of service since we landed in Boston." I say looking at the floor. "Oh,right. Um,I kind of didn't want to be the one to say this but the police don't want you contacting her or her contacting you. Your dad might trace the phone call to where you are." He says quietly. "But he can just look at where the next Warped Tour is scheduled. How is a stupid phone call going to put me at any more risk?" I say with tears filling the brims of my eyes. He shrugs "He's not allowed at any Warped shows anymore but they're afraid because he is technically allowed in different hotels we might possibly stay at." He says in the nicest way possible. "Yeah,I guess your right.." I say with a shrug. "Good night Bryan" I say and lay down next to a now sleeping Johnnie.
Maybe he wasn't asleep after all because he pulled the blanket over me,wrapped an arm around my waist and kissed my forehead. Everyone was asleep and I just really wasn't tired. "Johnnie..can we go outside. I know it's late but I just really need to talk to you and get some air.." I whisper as I start to cry. He nods and picks me up bridal style carrying me out to the parking lot. He sat down on the curb with me in his lap.
"What is it darling..?" He whispered in my ear. I started to cry into his chest "I can't do it anymore Johnnie..." I whisper. "Yes you can Ky. We'll get through this together.. I promise you." He says wiping a few tears from my cheeks. I look into his eyes "T-Together...?" I whisper. He nods "Together.. I love you Ky.." He says holding me close. "I love you too,Johnnie." I say and I feel the tears stop. We sit in silence for a while. He was looking at the stars above us but I stayed focused on his eyes. They were brighter anyways.

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