𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 16

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soundtrack for this chapter is EXO D.O.'s That's Okay


Jihan's POV

It was already 1 in the morning and Y/n hasn't came back yet. It made me worried because there are alot of weird people around.

But why am I exactly worried? I don't care about her before...

I was feeling a little tired when i heard the front door unlocked. I stood up and went to greet her.

"Where have you been, it's already-" she didn’t said a word and then walked passed me. I followed her to our bedroom and saw her... packing her things?

"Hey, what are you doing?" I kneeled down beside her but she seems very serious.  I looked at the clock and it's already 1:30 in the morning.

"Y/n, go to sleep. It's 1:30 am already and you haven’t slept yet"

I don’t know what I'm doing but i started caressing her back like calming her. But still, she ignored me.

Wow, so this is the feeling of being ignored.

I didn't stopped her so i just watched her pack her things. It's weird because i just sat there looking at her features in the dark, asking myself

"Why I found her pretty lately?"

The clock strikes 2:34 am and my mind is spinning.  Finally, Y/n was done but instead of going to bed, she stood up and went to each of the members rooms. 

I followed her at Monday unnie and Jaehee's room first. She just went there then kissed their forehead one by one.

Then she went on Zoa, Soeun and Soojin unnies room. She even climbed up on Zoa's silently just to kiss her forehead.

What is she doing?

Then she went to Soojin unnie's bed. I heard her say a small "thank you" and a sob? She left the room and went to ours.

Then... she laid down with Jiyoon unnie. Jiyoon unnie started cuddling her realizing it's already 3 in the morning which is their cuddle time.

I sat on Y/n's bed watching them. I smiled as the thought it was finally over and I can sleep now peacefully...

But it wasn't.

"Y/nnie?" I heard Jiyoon unnie called.
"I'm here unnie, sleep now"
"Please sing for me" I felt Y/n smile in the air.
"Okay but please sleep, okay?"

"I love you"
"I love you too, my favorite dongsaeng" i heard Y/n chuckled that made me smile too. I listened to her song and felt my self drifting away.

*song above*

Once the song lasted, i was still awake. I saw you put your big teddy beside Jiyoon unnie to cuddle it instead of you.

I felt the bed shake and it was Y/n. She was kneeling beside her bed where I lay.

You just stared at me for a second, i was staring back at you but i guess you can't see my eyes because it's dark. You stood up and left the room without kissing my head that made me feel... upset?

Eventhough I'm tired already, i stood up and followed her. Y/n felt it and turned around at me.

"Y/n, no kisses?" My mouth spoke on it's own.

Wait, what?

"Jihyo-ah, go back to bed"

Did she just... called be by my first name? For the first time?

"U-Unnie where are you going?" I felt her come closer to me and enveloped me with a tight hug. My heart felt weird, it's beating so fast.

"Don't worry about me. Please take care of the unnies and dongsaengs... for me, okay? I'm not going far. Tell them that I love them and i always will. Tell them I'm sorry for leaving without a proper talk with them. And for Soojin unnie, please give this to her. Don't open it, just give it to her" you handed me a small paper.

I felt myself crying, why? Why do I care? I don't care about her before?

"I'm going now"
"No, unnie. You're not going anywhere unless you tell me what's going on."
"Nothings going on... it's just, I'm just doing a right thing so you guys won't get harmed"
"What do you mean?" Y/n patted my head and kissed my forehead.

"Just remember Jihyo, I'm not angry. I'm just... doing this to keep weeekly as it should be. I love you guys, I really do. Specially you. Remember I love you"

Y/n held both of my hands and lowered down so she's on the same level as my head.

You were smiling at me. But the smile seems painful.

I can see her eyes red and sad like mine's. "Don't cry, you need to be cute" she squeezed my cheeks and i smiled a bit.

"Better, now, keep that smile to cheer up daileees if they feel sad." Y/n was already smiling at me.

We shared our first real smile to each other.


"Yes unnie?"

"I hope you're happy now"

timid // h.jihan ✔Where stories live. Discover now