4 : ignored

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scenario: jihan left you for a friend

"Oh? Yeseo-ah!" Jihan saw her friend. Her friend saw her and waved back. Jihan went to her friend, leaving you there all alone. You looked at her confused as they started to walk away.

"Did she really forgot about me?" You stared at their disappearing figure. "She didn't even introduced me to her friend, tsk" you growled before going into some food stand alone. Your heart was clenching.

"Jeon Y/n? You're here alone?" The seller asked. You were wearing a mask and cap yet, they still recognized you. "Yes... I am with someone else earlier but they went home already" the ajhuma nodded before handing you the ice-cream you ordered. "Thank you"

You left and went to the empty bench beside the pavement in the amusement park. You checked your phone and Jihan didn't messaged you. "Where's your girlfriend? I saw you two earlier" you looked up and saw Choerry and Yeojin. The one who asked was Yeojin.

"She already got home, unnies"

"But you two live together, right?" Choerry crossed her arms, inspecting your face. "And you looked down, did something happened?"

"It's nothing unnie. She went home to the dorms" you tried to smile at them but they knew it was fake. "We saw her with someone. We just passed them" Yeojin said before sitting beside you. "Do you want to hang out with us? Heejin and Hyunjin are around here aswell" you shook your head, eating the ice cream on your hands silently. "If you need company, just message us, okay?" Yeojin stood up then left with Choerry. You stayed there, doing nothing, hoping Jihan would remember you.

You two just got here and she left with her friend already.

"You alone?" You looked up once again and saw Bahiyyih. One of your new friends. "I guess, how about you?" She pouted then nod. "Let's hang out right now!" She stuck out her hand for you to grab. You smiled before taking it. The amusement park ticket will be useless if you don't use it, right?

The both of you had fun until the sun went down. "How about ride the ferris wheel for the final course?" Bahiyyih asked as the fireworks near the Han River started to pop off the sky. "Of course" you happily dragged her to the entrance and the staffs let you in inside.

Jihan's POV

"Oh, it's Bahiyyih" my friend said as she pointed the seat ahead of us. "Who is she with?" I looked at where she was looking and I saw Babbiyih with someone familiar. The hair-style is familiar, I know it was Y/n. But why is she with her?

"Hey, isnt that Jeon Y/n? Your co-member?" I nodded at my friend. I felt my heart clench when I saw Y/n put her hands behind Babbiyih. "Omo, what are they? I never heard Bahiyyih talking about Y/n before but they seemed really close" Yeseo was Bahiyyih's classmate and friend too. "Hmm... Y/n never mentioned Bahiyyih too" I replied, feeling my self less energized than earlier.

"Ooh, the ferris wheel is moving now" the ride started to go off as I continued to watch the two. They were talking to each other and pointing things from a distance. When they laugh, I sigh. I can't breath properly because my heart bounce in a hurting way like it want to get out of my body.

"Are you okay? Are you afraid of heights?" I heard Yeseo ask. "A-Ah, I just remembered something, don't worry" i smiled awkwardly to her.

The ride was silent. Yeseo was too mesmerized by the fireworks in the sky while me, I was looking at Y/n. How could she? Wait... I remember! I left her when I went to Yeseo, I-

"Jihyo? It's done" I felt Yeseo tap my shoulder. I really need to say sorry to Y/n unnie right now. "Bahiyyih! Y/n sunbaenim!" Yeseo pulled me with her towards their direction. Y/n saw me and her face went blank when she saw me.

"Oh, hey guys. It's our last ride, are you two going home?" Bahiyyih asked.

"Yeah... yah, let's go home together!" Yeseo removed her arms to mines before going to Bahiyyih's side. "How about you two?" Bahiyyih asked. "Yeah, we're going home too... have a safe trip" Y/n messed Bahiyyih's hair... right infront of my face, really? I know flirting is her thing but infront of her 'girlfriend'?!

"Haha, bye guys!" I grabbed Y/n's cloth from behind before pulling her away with me. "Bye ladies" she waved at them before finally walking with me.

She was so silent, I know i hurted her but I want to talk privately so I was silent aswell. She walked fast and my grip on blouse loosen. I let her walk away because I know she will wait for me by her car.

When I entered the car, her window was slightly opened. Maybe she wants to breath fresh air?

She drove off, the direction towards our dorm. Oh wait, we'll be sleeping in the dorm tonight.

I can't think properly because I was too nervous to confront her. It's clear that I'm in fault here... and this is the first time she is ignoring me throughout our relationship.



"Is... everything fine?" Dumb dumb. Of course not, Han Jihyo. Compose yourself

She only nodded before looking away on the other direction. Probably she was expecting for my apology.

We reached the dorm and instead of entering the parking lot, she stopped infront of the building. 

"I’ll sleep in the apartment tonight, I... forgot to arrange some things" She's dropping me off?

"Can't you do it tomorrow, unnie?" She turn to me, looking awkward to my presence. "No? I- uhh, I need to do some work, you know" i know she's lying. She always stutter when she lie.

"Unnie..." I held her hand but she pulled it away, making my heart break. Did I really hurt her that much?

"Go inside now, Jihyo" and now she's using my real name.

"Unnie, I'm sorry. Stay here please" I forcefully grab her hand. She looked at me finally but she kept her neutral face. "Go inside" she sighed.

"Let's not talk about it tonight"

"You're not angry right?" I asked

"I am but... just- let's talk about it tomorrow, okay?"

"Fine but sleep here and we talk tomorrow" she bit her lip and finally agreed. We entered the dorm but some members weren't there yet, only Jiyoon unnie and Monday unnie. They invited us to eat dinner with them but since Y/n unnie told them she already ate dinner, of course I will say I already ate. I followed unnie to our shared room and she went straight up to bed. I went on the top bunk, choosing not to disturb her.

Well, I hope tomorrow comes soon.

timid // h.jihan ✔Where stories live. Discover now