Kakashi Hatake || Reassurance

1.2K 27 2

Pairing: Kakashi Hatake x Reader
Warnings: some language, mentions of character death, Kakashi's nightmares, blood mention
Word Count: 1.2k

Nightmares were nothing new for Kakashi

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Nightmares were nothing new for Kakashi. As he grew older they didn't happen as often, but they would be so vivid it was like he was back in those situations. His heart raced in his chest, tears threatening to spill as the images replayed in his mind.

He didn't get much sleep after that.


Kakashi kept to himself most of the next day. You could tell something was off when you approached the training grounds occupied by him and Team 7. He jumped when you touched his shoulder, sheepishly looking at you when he calmed down.

"Sorry about that," you could see the faint outline of a smile beneath his mask, but he was still tense under your fingertips.

"Are you okay, Kakashi?"

"Yeah, fine, just didn't get enough sleep."

You knew not to push it after that; you didn't want him to shut down when it took so long for him to open to you. Fingertips slid over his gloved hand, a smile slowly pulling at your lips as your eyes took his features.

"I gotta get going, but I came to ask if you wanted to come over, I can make dinner."

"I'll be there."

You gave him a small nod, turning to say goodbye to kids. You were met with knowing smirks, embarrassment fillings your veins. Your relationship with the Copy Ninja wasn't widely known, but nothing got past Kakashi's students when their hearts were set on something.

With a final goodbye to Kakashi, you set off to finish your errands for the day.


Your mood perked up instantly as your heard the door open. Soon enough, you felt strong arms wrap around your waist. Silver hair tickled your skin as Kakashi pressed a kiss to your cheek. You turned in his grasp, surprised to see him with his mask off. He chuckled at your expression, a hand coming up to cup your cheek.

"What's that look for?"

"Sorry," you shook your head, "I guess I'm not used to seeing you without the mask."

"Well, I had such a nice surprise seeing you today, I figured I'd return the favor."

"You are so fucking cute, oh my god."

Kakashi smiled, pink tinting his cheeks, "So are you."


Kakashi was relaxing on your bed, reading his book as he waited for you to come out of the shower. He was too engrossed into the story to notice you, only breaking his focus when you climbed in next to him. His book was gently tossed aside, pulling you as close to him as possible. Your fingers traced the ANBU tattoo as you felt yourself fully relax in his arms.

"Thank you, again, for dinner. You didn't have to go through the trouble."

"You're always doing things for me, just wanted to return the favor."

Kakashi smiled, "Who's being cute now?"

He pulled you in for a kiss, arms tightening around as your hands pressed to his cheeks. He pulled away after a few minutes keeping an arm loosely around your waist.

"I'll make breakfast before I leave in the morning."

"I'm looking forward to it."


Rustling behind you caused you to wake up. The cold air from the blanket being tossed aside caused goosebumps to rise on your skin. What really pulled you fully out of sleep was the rustling coming from the bathroom. Beside you, the spot Kakashi was laying on was now empty. You frowned, getting off the bed and heading to the bathroom.

The door was slightly cracked opened, whimpers coming from the other side. The light from the bathroom blinded you slightly, your eyes adjusting to the sudden light quickly. Your heart sunk as you eyed Kakashi, who was scrubbing his hands in the sink.

"Kakashi? Baby, what happened?"

His hands were still shaking as you shut the water off. Fear was still evident in his eyes as he looked at you, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"It won't come off," he kept mumbling the same sentence, chest rising and falling with each deep breath.

"What won't come off, Kakashi?"

"Blood. All the blood."

He sunk down to his knees, cries falling from his lips. You knelt down beside him, wrapping your arms around him. It pained you to see him like this, so frightened. In all the time you've known him, you've never seen Kakashi so upset.

"Kakashi, you need to take some deep breaths for me okay? In and out, just like that sweetheart."

It took him a few minutes to calm himself down slightly, arms wrapping around you. He sobbed into your shoulder, tears staining the frantic of your shirt.

"Please, don't leave me. I- I can't lose someone else."

You shushed him, rubbing his back softly, "I'm not going anywhere, I promise."

You kept reassuring him and whispering those words in his ear. When he stopped crying, he pulled away from you. He wiped his eyes, mumbling an apology.

"You have nothing to apologize for, Kakashi."

He kept his gaze away from you, "I had a nightmare. It was very vivid. And I-I-"

He couldn't bring himself to speak. Even the few sentences were nothing more then a whisper. He was still shivering, so you helped him off the floor and walked him into the bedroom. You grabbed a spare blanket and draped it over his shoulders.

"You don't have to explain it if you don't want too, Kakashi."

"It was about you and," he gulped as tears threatened to spill once more, "I'm sorry."

You wiped the stray tear, heart breaking for the man you've grown to love, "Don't force yourself, love. If you decide you want to talk, I'm here. But you have to remember it was just a dream, I'm right here with you."

He nodded, turning to kiss the palm that rested against his cheek. It was his own little way of thanking you for not forcing him to talk. You checked the time, seeing he had some time before he had to actually get up.

"There's still some time before you have to leave, do you want to go back to bed or no? I can make some tea and get breakfast started."

His arms wrapped around, his head resting against your stomach, "Can we lay here a little while longer? I still wanna make breakfast for you."

You smiled, pressing a kiss to his hair, "Yeah, we can do that, baby."

After grabbing him a quick drink, you climbed into bed beside him. He pulled you close, holding you a little tighter than usual. The nightmare he had really freaked him out. You turned slightly, pressing a kiss to his jaw.

"You're sure you're okay?"

"Yeah," Kakashi entwined your hands giving you a soft squeeze, "I am now."

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