Kakashi Hatake | Cooking For His s/o

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I am so sorry this took so long!! I've been super busy irl and it completely slipped my mind! Hope you enjoy <3

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I am so sorry this took so long!! I've been super busy irl and it completely slipped my mind! Hope you enjoy <3

I am so sorry this took so long!! I've been super busy irl and it completely slipped my mind! Hope you enjoy <3

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This whole thing was turning out to be a disaster.

Now, Kakashi was a pretty decent cook - his friends have been telling him that for years. He didn't know what went wrong. Maybe it was nerves, or maybe it was the way he once again got lost in thought thinking about you.

He couldn't help but get caught up in his own head, thinking about the way you smiled as he asked you to join him for an intimate meal at his place. Only now, because of his mistake, the food was now ruined and he was quickly running out of time to prepare something else.

He grabbed some more ingredients from the fridge, freezing in place as a knock sounded throughout his home. Wiping his hands on a spare napkin, he walked over and was greeted by your smiling face once the door was opened.

"[Y/N], you're here early."

"Yeah, sorry, I had some last minute errands to run and was afraid I'd get here late. Though, I missed a great opportunity to give you a taste of your own medicine."

Kakashi laughed, leading you inside, "Okay, I deserved that. Sorry the food isn't ready yet, got distracted and it burnt. I'll have something else ready in a bit. Make yourself comfortable."

Your nose scrunched at the smell of burnt food but quickly shook off the feeling for his sake, "You want some help?"

He shook his head, "No, you're my guest, not to mention my date. Please, sit."

You did as he asked, seeing as he was a little stressed out. While you thought it was cute he was doing his best to make sure everything turned out okay, you didn't want him making himself go crazy.

Kakashi, being nervous about you watching, didn't realize he grabbed the wrong ingredient until it was much too late.

"Oh no. No, no, no."

You jumped out of your seat, scared he hurt himself in some way, "Kakashi, what happened?"

"I ruined the food. Again. I'm sorry."

His hand went up to the back of his neck, rubbing the skin as he avoided eye contact.

"There's nothing to be sorry for, Kakashi. Mistakes happen."

He kept his gaze off of you, "I just wanted to impress you. I'm not the best at this whole dating thing, but I figured making a meal would be simple. Guess I'm just nervous."

You smiled, taking his free hand in yours, "You didn't have to try so hard to impress me, Kakashi. I mean, it's pretty obvious I like you."

"So, you're not mad?"

"There's nothing to be mad about," you laughed. "Come on, I'll help you clean up and we can go grab something to eat."

Kakashi smiled, "We could go to Ichiraku's."

"I think you're spending too much time with Naruto."

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