Kakashi Hatake | Finally

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Pairing: Kakashi Hatake x Reader
Warnings: language, mentions smut
Word Count: 1.6k
A/N: sorry this took a little longer then usual, I struggled a tiny bit. Also, I'm sorry this isn't a full smut fic, (I'm not the best as writing that) but it gets the point across. (headcanons changed to fic with requester's permission)

  (headcanons changed to fic with requester's permission)

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You could feel his eyes on you again

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You could feel his eyes on you again.

You chalked it up to him watching over you on this mission, but had an inkling of a feeling it was something more. There were plenty of times where you caught him staring, and he catching you. You couldn't help yourself, your feelings growing for the Copy Ninja with each passing day.

And now, here you were at the end of a long mission getting to spend every moment with him. Normally, you wouldn't mind spending so much time with him, but your feelings for the man made focusing on the mission difficult. You would've gotten severely hurt if Kakashi hadn't stepped in at the last second.

"Thank you, for saving me back there I mean."

"You got distracted during an A-rank mission. Don't let it happen again."

He kept walking, leaving you standing there dumbfounded. He's never used that tone with toy before. Shaking off the thoughts, you ran to catch up with him, only to keep your distance as he was still slightly pissed.

You finally reached the gates of Konoha. You ended up turning in the report, letting Kakashi go home and cool off. You stepped into the Hokage's office, bowing slightly before turning in your paperwork.

"I'm surprised Kakashi is not with you."

"I told him to go home, we ran into some trouble but things ended up going well thanks to him. If that'll be all, I have to get some things done."

With nothing else needed, you left with a respectful bow and made your way to Kakashi's home. Your knuckled rapped on the door quickly; only waiting a few minutes before he opened the door. His forehead protector was off, and even after knowing him all this time, seeing the Sharingan was a little intimidating.

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