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Pairing: Kakashi Hatake x Reader
Warnings: nudity - they take a bath. but other then that nothing
Word Count: 900

You could feel the stress radiating off of him as soon as he stepped through the door

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You could feel the stress radiating off of him as soon as he stepped through the door. You could hear him mumble a few curse words as he struggled to get his shoes off. He'd been tired lately, going on short missions back-to-back. He finally gotten a break, and it was something he desperately needed.

Arms wrapped around your waist as he plopped down on the couch behind you. His cheek nuzzled against your own. Kakashi didn't hesitate to hold you against him as he peppered your face in kisses. A smile quickly pulled at his lips at the sound of your laughter.

"You have no idea how much I've missed you, my love."

You shifted in his grasp, "Believe me, I've missed you just as much, if not more. I'm just so relieved you got back safe."

Kakashi nodded, "A few bumps and bruises, nothing that could keep me away from you."

"Damn it, stop being so cute," you pulled him in for a kiss. Kakashi tightened his grip around you. You almost wanted to cry at the feeling of being in his arms again. You never knew when Kakashi's last mission would be, and you dreaded the day someone would tell you he wouldn't be coming home.

Kakashi pulled away when he felt you slowly stop returning his affections, "Hey, where are you right now?"

"Sorry, I was just thinking."

"I know, I know." A finger ran over your cheekbone, "I'm right here with you. We're together and everything is all right yet again."

You nodded, "I know, I'm sorry. Just got lost in thought."

"You don't have to apologize to me, love. I know you get worried. You don't have to worry about things anymore, I won't be going out on a mission for a few days."

You let out a sigh of relief, words stuck in your throat as you hugged him. Kakashi placed a small kiss to your forehead before standing up. Skin peaked out beneath his shirt as he stretched his arms over his head. It took every ounce of your being to not stare.

"I'm gonna fix up something to eat and then take a shower. Wanna join me?"

"With the food or shower?"

Kakashi chuckled, "Whichever you want."


Kakashi finished cleaning the dishes after you two were done. He smiled as you leaned against his back, arms circling his waist.

"You sit and rest, I'll go heat up the water for you."

"Thank you."

With his back turned, Kakashi missed the small smile on your face. Finally, you'd be able to put your plan in motion. Turning on the hot water, you filled up the tub, the soap creating a soothing smell in the air. Kakashi was quick to come after you called him, surprised to see what you had done.

"What's all this?"

You didn't answer him, just pulled him in for a kiss. He smiled when you pulled away. He didn't question you afterwards, just started taking off his clothes. Eyeing him quickly, you turned away, not wanting to stray from what you wanted to do for him.

"Are you getting in?"

"You first, 'Kashi."

Kakashi settled in the tub, scooting forward enough for you to get in. You climbed in behind him, water rippling as you settled in. He leaned back against your chest. He let out a small hum once he was fully relaxed.

"This was nice of you, thank you, [Y/N]."

You smiled, pressing a kiss to his head, "You deserve to be spoiled and pampered too, Kakashi."

Pink tinted his cheeks, but he stayed quiet after that. The next several minutes were spent washing his hair. He groaned softly, feeling your fingers massaging his scalp.

Once finished washing up, you led Kakashi to your shared bed. A small smile pulled at your lips at the thought of being able to sleep in his arms again.

"So, did you get that from my books? What made you want to do all that?"

You chuckled, "I told you, you deserve to be spoiled. I don't need inspiration from a book, Kakashi, I'm just trying to show you I love you."

Kakashi's cheeks turned pink for the second time that night, "Stop saying things that make me wanna kiss you."

"Well, what's stopping you?"

Kakashi laughed quietly, holding you close as he brought his lips to yours. After he was satisfied, he cuddled up to you with his head on your chest; an arm lazily tossed across your stomach.

"Will you play with my hair again?"

His voice was quieter, almost like he was embarrassed.

"For you, Kakashi, anything."

He was quick to fall asleep as the soothing feeling had him drifting off in a matter of minutes. You followed soon after, knowing he was going to still be there when you woke up.

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