Kakashi Hatake | Chances

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Pairing: Kakashi Hatake x Reader

Pairing: Kakashi Hatake x ReaderRequest:

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Warnings: none
Word Count: 900

You took your time walking towards the training grounds

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You took your time walking towards the training grounds. Kakashi would understand you being a few minutes late, the fresh morning air making you want to enjoy your walk a little longer. When you did finally get to the training grounds, you were surprised to see Kakashi fast asleep in the shade under a tree.

You didn't have to heart to wake him. Kakashi is always so busy, always look so exhausted. You sat besides him, carefully taking the book off of his face not wanting to wake him. He stirred slightly, head turning away from you as his hand rested on his stomach.

You couldn't help the smile tugging on your lips; he was just so cute.

The worn, orange book sat open in your hands. You were curious about the series Kakashi was always reading, but was too embarrassed to go purchase one for yourself. You were sure Kakashi wouldn't mind if you took a quick peek at his treasured book.

You were surprised to see the page he was on was nothing more then the characters confessing their love for each other. The sweetness of it all was enough to give someone a toothache. You didn't expect this from the series, seeing as how Naruto always called them smut books and deemed Jiraiya the "Pervy Sage".

You quickly flipped to the start of the book, eyes taking in as much of the book as you could with each passing minute. You were so engrossed with the story you didn't hear Kakashi move beside you.

"Your back is gonna hurt if you keep hunching over like that."

You jumped, shutting the book as you held close to your chest. You looked over at Kakashi, butterflies filling your stomach just as did. The light reflected off him perfectly, making him look more handsome then you already thought he was.

"Kakashi! You scared me."

He smiled, "Sorry. Why didn't you wake me? We're supposed to be training."

"I know, but you're always so tired I wanted to let you rest. Then I got caught up in your book and lost track of time."

He sat up, leaning back on his hands as he saw what part you were on. Pink dusted his cheeks, but he hoped he could cover up his embarrassment.

"Oh, you're getting to the good stuff."

"How many times have you read this series?"

He chuckled, "Probably too many to count."

The two of you discussed the book further, his favorite parts of the series and what he liked about it. Kakashi answered your questions as best he could without getting to flustered. The truth was, the book he was currently reading contained a paragraph that reminded him of you every time he read it. He only hoped to gain the confidence to tell you.

"What's your favorite line?"

He sucked in a breath, now was his chance.

"It's actually more of a small paragraph. Are you sure you wanna hear it?"

You nodded, "I'm sure, Kakashi."

He cleared his throat, body shaking with nerves. He knew it was now or never, when else was he ever this confident around you?

"In front of him sat the one person he knew he could tell anything and everything. The person who he entrusted with his secrets, his thoughts, his worries. The one who fills his cold heart with love and joy, feelings he wasn't used too. Still, he welcome that person in with opens arms, and an open heart; knowing he'd never be happy if they weren't at his side."

The way he was looking at you had your heart fluttering in your chest.

"That was beautiful, Kakashi. Can I ask why that's your favorite?"

Kakashi gulped, gently taking your hand in his, "It reminds me of you, [Y/N]."

Your eyes stared down at your entwined hands before meeting his own. There was so much hope held in them, and something else you couldn't quite read.

"Oh shit, I made you uncomfortable didn't I? I'm sorry, I just got caught up in the moment. If you don't feel the same way, I'll understand."

You held his hand a little tighter as he went to pull away, "That's not it at all, Kakashi. You just caught me off guard. It's not everyday the person you have a crush on tells you he likes you back."

He froze, "You- You feel the same?"

You nodded, "How could I not, Kakashi? Hell, anybody would be lucky to have you."

Kakashi smiled, placing a gloved hand on your cheek, "I don't want just anyone, [Y/N]."

He pulled his mask down slightly, giving you a small glimpse of his face before he leaned in to kiss you. Butterflies fluttered in your stomach at his touch. He had such an effect on you.

He pulled away, slipping his mask back on before holding you close. Brows furrowed in confusion as you started laughing.

"What's so funny?"

"I was just thinking, maybe I should've taken your book sooner."

Kakashi smiled, "Maybe you should have."

You nuzzled against his chest, feeling Kakashi hold you tighter. In that moment, there no place the two of you would rather be.

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