Naruto Uzumaki | Too Soon

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Pairing: Naruto Uzumaki x F!Reader
Warnings: language, angst, blood mention, character death (this one is just really sad)
Word Count: 1.1k

Sun rays through the trees woke you up

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Sun rays through the trees woke you up. Falling asleep outside was something that usually only happened on missions, but after a long training session with Naruto, it couldn't be helped. Blue eyes met yours as you slowly looked up him. Naruto smiled, a hand brushing over your arm.

"Geez, when's the last time we got to do something like this?"

"Been too long. It's gotta be past lunch by now, wanna go get something to eat?"

"You know me so well."


After paying for lunch, Naruto walked you home. Leaning against him, you couldn't help but stare up at him. The way the sun light up his best features, Naruto looked so handsome in any lighting. Feeling your eyes on him, Naruto looked down at you with a bright smile.

"Do I have food left on my face again?"

You laughed, "No, you're just very cute, Naruto."

Pink tinted his cheeks as he shyly rubbed the back of his neck, "Pretty sure that's you, [Y/N]."

He waited for you to open your door before spinning you around in his arms. He placed a few kisses on your cheek before reluctantly letting go.

"I have a meeting with Kakashi Sensei, but I'll be by later. If it's about a mission I wanna make sure I say goodbye before leaving."

You nodded, "Make sure you tell Lord Sixth I said hello."

"I will."


You looked up quickly as the door flew open. Met with bright yellow hair and an orange jacket, you relaxed. Naruto ran over to you, speaking way to fast for you to understand him.

"Naruto, slow down. What did Kakashi say?"

"You and I are going on a mission tomorrow! We have a message to deliver in Kirigakure. It won't take that long but at least we'll be spending time together."

"Don't you usually do these things with Sakura?"

Naruto smiled, "I might've told Kakashi I'd leave him alone for a couple of days if he let you come with me."

All you could do was laugh, pulling your boyfriend in for a tight hug. Naruto fell back on the couch and pulled you along with him. Soft kisses were shared between you two before he pulled away.

"I have to go pack for tomorrow. We'll meet at the gates at dawn."

"You're lucky you're cute, Uzumaki."

"I'm the luckiest man in the village, I know."

He turned to leave, only stopping as you grabbed his hand, "Yeah baby?"

Naruto couldn't help smile through the kiss, hands gently resting on your hips.

"Okay, now you can go and pack."

"Alright, I'll see you in morning. Love you."

You squeezed his hand, "Love you more."


Hands rubbed tired eyes as you made your way to the gates. With a yawn, you greeted Naruto. He just chuckled, wrapping an arm around your shoulder.

"Good morning, my love."

"How are you this energetic this early in the morning?"

Naruto only laughed, leading you out the gates.


The mission was successful, to no one's surprise. Delivering a message wouldn't be a problem. What the two of you didn't expect to see was the rogue ninjas attempting to stop you.

It was a small group of three. You and Naruto quickly getting to work in taking them out. They were fairly skilled, but no one compared to Naruto - not with the training he endured over the years.

"You take the one over there, I'll take baldy."

You nodded, taking your stance and fighting off your offender. He was easily knocked out, not as skilled as you originally thought. You turned, seeing Naruto's opponent staggering. He was quickly knocked to the ground. Naruto got one good punch in, knocking the man to the ground.

"We need to get back to Konoha and tell Lord Sixth about the rogue ninjas."

He turned, not seeing the man pick up a kunai with his last bit of strength. Your eyes widened, seeing the sharp knife aimed for his heart. Your body moved before you could process it, calling out to your boyfriend.

"Naruto look out!"

The kunai landed in the middle of your chest. Blood spilled down your clothes, a thin line dribbling out of your mouth.

"[Y/N]? No!"

He delivered a final blow to the ninja, knocking him out entirely. He ran over to you, laying your head on his thighs.

"Why did you- What were you thinking?"

You coughed, "I couldn't let them hurt you."

"I can heal fast, you know that."

"That kunai was pointing directly at your heart, Naruto. I couldn't risk it."

Naruto tried to move you, only stopping when you cried out.

"I'm sorry, I have to get you back. They can fix you, and I'll bring you Ichiraku's everyday until you're better."

"'M not gonna make it, Naruto. I'm sorry."

"No!" Naruto gently tapped your face, keeping you awake. "Please, you can't give up. Not after everything. I love you, please, don't leave me, [Y/N]."

He knew it was pointless, you've already lost so much blood. You raised a hand, weakly pressing it against his cheek.

"You'll be a great Hokage someday."

Naruto froze as your hand fell from his face. It was like everything was in slow motion as your hand smacked against the ground. His body shook with sobs as he cried out. He could care less about the shinobi rule in that moment. He's been through so much in his life, and of course the second he's found true happiness, it gets taken away.

"Let's get you home, my love."

He pulled the kunai out, carrying your lifeless body in his arms.


Months passed, and Naruto spent his mornings the same way - visiting you. Flowers were brought daily, and if he had to leave on a mission, he made sure someone brought some to you. Naruto only sighed, staring longingly at the grave.

"It'll get easier you know. With time."

Naruto looked up, "Oh, hi Kakashi Sensei. You think so? How long did it take you?"

Kakashi sighed, "It's different for everyone. You'll have your bad days, and some days you find yourself thinking back to all the good memories you had. I know what she meant to you, so it'll take some time, but you'll get there."

Naruto kept his head down, struggling not to cry once again, "I'm just glad I got to know her."

Naruto smiled up at his old Sensei, but even Kakashi could see, that his smile wasn't as bright as it used to be.

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