Chapter 25 - The Reunion

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Epomis keeps a lot of secrets. It's compartmentalized. No single person knows or has access to all of Epomis' information. Well, aside from Arthur McMullen. But some information is public knowledge. Even more than that, some information is common knowledge. It gets whispered between members at meetings or discussed in hushed tones during a particularly boring mission. It's important knowledge to share. It's the kind of knowledge that cautions and keeps prey safe.

One such kind of knowledge is where Lux Feuerbach commonly spends his time.

Before, when Benji had overheard Epomis members warning each other away from certain places because Lux frequented there, he'd stop listening. The last thing Benji had wanted to hear about was Lux Feuerbach. But after Camille is taken, after McMullen condemns her to the Facility, learning about Lux is the only thing Benji cares about.

He hovers nearby anyone he thinks might have relevant information. Then, when he grows impatient, he gets pushy. He asks questions, presses for specifics. He gets more answers than he expects, some of which contradict each other. It takes time for him to sift through the fiction and piece together the facts. But then he's sure. He's quite certain he knows where to find Lux Feuerbach.

There's a club on the far side of town. The area is pred dominated, very seedy. Every prey with an ounce of self preservation knows to stay very far away. But, of course, it is here that Benji must go because, nestled in the very back of this club, is a consuming den. It's exclusive and luxurious and the perfect place for a pred to relax and indulge after a long day's work. It's the perfect place to find Lux.

Benji approaches the entrance to the club in question. He waits in a line where a wall of preds hover over him. Some give him looks of interest or amusement while others simply look annoyed to see a prey invading their space. There's a pred bouncer standing at the door, a very large man even by pred standards.

"Run along, prey," he tells Benji when he approaches, "this isn't your part of town."

Benji swallows. "I need to speak to someone inside," he explains. "It's important."

The bouncer raises his eyebrows, a flash of intrigue in his eyes. "Oh yeah? Who?"

"Fel— I mean, Lux Feuerbach."

The bouncer throws back his head and laughs. "Believe me, little prey. You most definitely do not want to see Lux Feuerbach. Now run home while you still can."

Benji's jaw tightens. Would that he could run home. But giving up now isn't a option. "Please, if you could just give him my name, I'm sure he'd want to speak with me."

The bouncer narrows his eyes. "Your name? What about your name do you think is so significant that it would make Lux Feuerbach want to see you?

Benji grits his teeth and clenches his fingers. "Look, if you could at least just ask him? I swear, if he doesn't want to see me I'll leave immediately. You'll never see me again."

The bouncer rolls his eyes and glances at the line of preds forming behind Benji. Benji can feel them looming over him.

"Fine," the bouncer finally agrees. He opens the door and calls someone over. A pred woman appears. "This prey says he wants to see Lux Feuerbach," the bouncer explains. "Will you deliver his message for me? See if Mr. Feuerbach will see him?"

The woman looks at Benji skeptically.

"Tell him Benji Marotta wants to see him," Benji says quickly. "Tell him it's urgent."

The woman nods and says, "I'll be back in a few."

She leaves and the bouncer tells Benji, "Now please move so I can deal with actual patrons."

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