Chapter 60 - Control

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Lux speeds through the Facility, faster than Benji can keep up with, but he can't slow down. Benji doesn't protest. They both want out of there, they both want to be away from the prying eyes of the Facility workers. But it's more than that for Lux. His stomach is painfully empty after releasing Epomis' leader and the neutralizers have now fully worn off. He's ravenous, but he can't let that distract him. Not now. Not after everything.

Lux sets his sights straight ahead. He can do this. He has control.

Franklin the security guard only gives them a passing glance, though his eyes linger on Benji longer then Lux would like. They both relax once they're outside. The night air cools the sweat on Lux's brow, and the open space makes it easier to ignore how enticing Benji's scent is right now. But beyond all that, it just feels good to be free of the suffocating walls of the Facility.

"Around back," Lux says suddenly.

Benji gives him a curious glance.

"My car," Lux explains. His thoughts seem slow and disordered. "It's parked around back. Apparently."

Benji jogs to catch up with him as they walk.

"Are you okay?" he asks. "You don't... look so good."

"Yeah," Lux insists as he pushes his hair back into place, "I'm fine. I just—" He swallows. "I just haven't eaten for awhile."

From the corner of his eye, Lux sees Benji stiffen.

"How long haven't you eaten for?"

Lux hesitates. "Almost three days."

"Three days?" Benji balks. "You mean three days without prey or...?"

"Three days without anything."

Benji falls silent. Lux tries to ignore the incredulous way he looks at him. He tries to ignore the way his instincts tell him to reach out and pluck Benji from where he stands.

He has control, he reminds himself.

"Are you sure this is safe?" Benji finally mutters.

"It's fine," Lux says, harsher than he means to. "I'll be fine. I have to be. I promised Camille I'd have you home tonight."

"Yes, but—"


Benji recoils at the way Lux turns on him.

Lux forces himself to take a breath before speaking again. "Please," he begs, "not now. I'm getting you home, and then we'll worry about everything else later."

Benji doesn't answer, but he doesn't argue either. He trails silently behind Lux as they resume their trek back to his car.

Lux almost cries when the vehicle comes into sight. He's never really considered himself particularly attached to his car but seeing it now stirs something in him. He had thought he'd never see it again, and now this feels like a sign that things can finally get back to normal. He unlocks it and pulls the driver's door open.

He immediately feels a wave of nausea and a splintering pain in his core.

He doubles over as a coughing fit wracks his body. When it's finished, he pulls back his hand to find a smattering of blood. He grimaces and turns it so Benji can't see. His stomach has started digesting itself again.

"Felix," Benji says softly as Lux recovers, "you really don't seem to be doing well. Maybe you should let me drive."

Lux's grip tightens on the door handle. "You can't," he says. "It's a pred car. You wouldn't be able to." He swings himself into the driver's seat. "Now get in." He doesn't stop to check if Benji is offended by his short tone.

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