Chapter 59 - Successor

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Camille sits alone in Arthur's living room. Or what used to be Arthur's living room. Now it's just the house of a dead man.

A hole opens up in her chest as she has the thought. She doubles over and tries to keep herself from splitting in two. A sob wracks her body. It's not the first, and it definitely won't be the last. She's lost track of how much time has passed. She keeps thinking she'll compose herself soon, or at least compose herself enough to do what she needs to do.

But every time she thinks she has it back together, she looks over and notices Arthur's coat right where he left it on the rack or the still half sorted paperwork on the table. Camille looks about the room and memories resurface of all the times she's sat here with Arthur and the others, planning and debating. They weren't always happy times, but Camille had always known she was making a difference.

But all that's over now. Arthur is dead... or soon will be. Killed in the way he'd been fighting against for all these years. Reduced to nothing more than just a meal like so many others, like his family. Trapped in the Facility and never to see daylight again. Arthur had taken Camille in and understood her when no one else could. He'd given her life direction and purpose. He'd led her to greatness, and she'd led him to his demise.

She'd never even gotten to say goodbye, to say she's sorry. And she never would.

"You're doing the right thing."

Felix's words are the only thing keeping her from shattering completely. She shivers as she remembers watching him consume Arthur. She remembers how pointless his struggles looked in Felix's hands. She remembers the look of absolute satisfaction on Felix's face as he took the last swallow. Arthur had been no different to him than every other prey to slide down his throat.

Camille buries her face in her hands and takes several deep breaths. Felix had done his part of the plan just as he should, more so even. There had been no malice from him for what she'd done the first day of his imprisonment. Now it's her turn to carry out her side of the plan.

Camille gives herself a few more moments to compose herself, then she picks up her phone and dials the number.

"Camille?" The voice on the other line sounds confused and a little worried. "What's going on?"

"Oscar," she murmurs, and this time she doesn't have to act. She doesn't have to pretend that she's just lost someone she cares about to Lux Feuerbach's stomach. Her shaking breath and steady tears are for a true loss this time. "Something's gone wrong."

"It's Lux," Oscar concludes without further prompting.

Camille nods. "Yes," she whispers into the speaker. "He escaped."

"And McMullen?"

"He— he consumed him."

There's the rustling of Oscar's phone being moved and then a distant sounding, "Fuck," before his voice comes back clearly. "Camille, where are you now?"

"I'm still at Arthur's."

Another quiet swear. "Camille, listen to me, McMullen's house is now compromised. Is there a way for you to leave? Can you drive somewhere else?"

"Arthur drove me here," she informs him simply.

"Do you know where his car keys are?"

Camille does a quick glance about the room. She has a vivid flashback of Felix digging everything out of Arthur's pockets, but she doesn't remember if his keys were among them. "I don't know," she tells Oscar honestly.

Oscar gives a frustrated sigh. "Okay, then don't move. I'll be there soon, got it?"

"Got it."

"Good, I'll see you in a few."

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