Chapter 47 - Becomes The Hunted

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The next evening, Arthur calls a meeting. Any members who can make it on such short notice are invited to attend. It's a larger turnout than Camille expects. The crowd huddles close, their nervous energy thick in the air. Everyone wants to know what this last minute meeting is about.

"I know these are unusual circumstances," Arthur tells them once the meeting has begun, "but I felt I needed to inform you all as soon as possible."

Camille stands at his right side, on full display, as she always has been since her rescue. Everyone here knows her and her story by now. They know how important she is to Epomis. On Arthur's left side, stands Oscar, as stoic and intimidating as always. On the other side of Oscar is Amber, looking impassive and business-like. Usually Benji stands on the other side of Camille when the whole group has something to present, but that side of Camille is decidedly empty right now.

Arthur gestures to the lot of them. "You may have noticed there is one of us missing today," he proclaims. "Benji Marotta. The one who has a contract with Lux Feuerbach."

Whispers go up around the room. Camille catches enough of them to know they're all speculating that Benji's contract has been closed.

"I think by now most of you know his story," Arthur continues. "How he signed his life away to get his sister out of the Facility. Up until now, we've all applauded his bravery, but that was before we knew the whole story."

There's a quiet gasp of surprise from the crowd.

Camille's face is a mask as Arthur regales all those gathered on what happened yesterday. His version of events makes Benji seem like he'd been in cahoots with Lux the entire time. He makes Benji out to be some sort of double agent, working with Epomis by day then buddying it up with Lux at night. Camille watches the expressions of those gathered go from intrigue to anger as they stop seeing Benji as a selfless martyr and begin viewing him as a conniving traitor.

"I'm asking you all now," Arthur says as he finishes his tale, "to grant me a rather large favor. If any of you are able to dedicate your time and energy to tracking down Benji Marotta, we may be able to turn this betrayal in our favor. These are extenuating circumstances. If one of our own is cowardly enough to break their vow and run from us, very often we don't have the resources to track them down. We are, as you will remember, still a growing organization. The extra help we have on hand is minimal.

"This situation is no different. Despite this unfortunate event, we still all have our jobs and duties to attend to. Epomis' mission must go on. However, Benji's position is unusual and has provided us a unique opportunity. Camille here, has told me that Lux Feuerbach himself is on the run from the Facility."

There is another audible gasp from the crowd, followed by hurried whisperings.

"I agree," Arthur says over the hum. "It was a consequence of his rescue of Camille. He is also a traitor, and this is something we can use to our advantage."

Arthur pauses as he looks out over those gathered. Camille notices the corner of his mouth twitch upward in excitement.

"Benji has a close connection with Lux. They were friends in childhood and that friendship has evidently continued into the present day, even through the horrors Lux has committed against preykind. We've never had someone who is so close to Epomis also be close to someone from the Facility, least of all Lux Feuerbach. If we can find Benji, we can find Lux. Perhaps we can even capture the both of them. There's a tie between the two of them that we can and will exploit.

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