Chapter 48 - Highly Recommended

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It's been two days since that night in the hotel, and Lux and Benji have hardly spoken. The only words they share are formal and minimal. Just enough to communicate what needs to be said. Not only that, but Lux and Benji have hardly seen each other. The only time they spend in each other's company is during their car trips to another town, another place to hide.

The distance between them weighs on Lux. He glances at Benji from the corner of his eye. Benji focuses on the road ahead. The radio plays, drowning out the awkwardness of the silence between them. Lux thinks he should say something, but what? He'd already confessed all that he could two nights ago. The only thing left to talk about is the fact that they need to make a new plan. They need to hide somewhere that isn't within a two hour's drive of the Facility. Or they at least need to go their separate ways. Sticking together has grown incredibly unsafe.

But despite this, Lux keeps his mouth shut and returns his gaze to the passenger side window. His fingers are curled tight in his lap. He's afraid of making the wrong move, he's afraid of hurting Benji. So instead he stays as still and quiet as possible.

That night, Lux sits alone in his hotel room. It has been this way ever since that night. He and Benji had been staying in separate rooms. It had been helpful for keeping Benji safe from Lux's hunger. It had been less so on their rapidly dwindling money supply.

Lux leans back in his chair and surveys the room. Besides the perfectly made bed, there's a nice TV and comfy looking couches. Before him is a table that could be used for eating or perhaps a makeshift desk. The price for this hotel in particular had also required a sizable chunk of money. Benji had complained, but Lux had assured him that he knew what he was doing. He had his reasons.

Lux lets out a long breath, trying to slow his racing heart. He indeed had his reasons, but it isn't a reason he would dare share with Benji. With a final rush of resolve, Lux pushes himself to his feet. He had been staring at his hotel room door long enough. Benji's not coming over. He hadn't come over the past two nights. Nothing would change tonight, Lux assures himself. Besides, he can't put it off much longer. It's already getting late.

Lux crosses the room and opens the door. The hall beyond is clean and luxurious. Lux frowns as he heads down the hall and towards the back exit. He'd spent far too much money on this hotel, and he's about to spend even more of it tonight.

He is nearing the exit when one of the hotel room doors opens. He freezes. A young, beautiful prey woman slinks out into the hall and begins walking his direction. Her clothes look expensive and they reveal a tantalizing amount of skin. Lux attempts to avert his gaze as he begins walking again, trying to look as natural as possible.

As the prey woman draws near, he can feel her eyes on him, taking in every detail of his body. Almost against his will, Lux's gaze slides back to her. She gives him the most brilliant of smiles as she passes. She raises a hand to push her hair off her shoulder. The movement is deliberate, practiced. Lux's eyes catch on the wristband she's made sure to show off. It's just like Benji's aside from one detail. Instead of a brilliant orange color, this one is blue.

Blue wristbands are difficult to acquire. Exclusive. They require the petition of a variety of preds vouching for the necessity of such a thing. Unlike the orange ones, which force a regurgitation on anyone who isn't the prey's contract holder, the blue ones will force a regurgitation on any and all preds who try to fatally consume them. Usually only important prey like politicians and celebrities can gain enough support to earn a blue wristband, but there are other prey with certain jobs that appease preds who can earn one. Of note there are collectors and, of course, latchers.

Lux politely returns the latcher's smile. Because he now knows that's what she is— a latcher looking for clients, and judging by the hotel she's inhabiting and the clothes she's wearing, she's not one Lux can afford right now.

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