Chapter 55 - Survive

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Benji isn't permitted to see much. The last thing he sees is Camille's house right before he's shoved into the back of a Facility van. The doors shut behind him. Benji's heart sinks with dread.

He isn't cuffed and there's only one pred keeping guard over him, the woman who had held him back at Camille's house, the one who had nearly force fed him to Felix. Benji flexes his fingers as the feeling of Felix's tongue still lingers on the tips.

He and the Facility worker don't exchange words. Benji keeps his gaze on the floor, though he can feel her eyes trained on him for the entire endless ride. Being in the back of a pred van reminds him of the night of the mission, the one when Camille had first been taken. The one that had started all of this. The thought of it makes his stomach flip.

He's almost relieved when the vehicle comes to a stop. Almost. His relief quickly dissipates to dread as soon as he steps outside.

It's the dead of night now, but there are enough harsh, white lights lining the parking lot that Benji can make out the building before him. The Facility. It's cold and lifeless and it claws its way up towards the starless sky. Chain link fences and barbed wires enclose the area like a nefarious blanket. The sheer size fills Benji with a terror that roots him to the spot and drives the breath from his lungs.

Rough hands shove him forward.

"Keep moving, prey," the worker says, her voice smooth and emotionless.

Benji nearly trips, but it's enough to break his trance. With the worker's hand on his back, constantly pressing him forward, he's in the Facility and cut off from the outside world within a matter of moments. Other workers pour in after them, surrounding Benji, looming over him. He's never felt so small.

There's a shift in the preds gathered and suddenly Supervisor Bakula is standing right before Benji. Danger lurks just under the surface of every controlled movement he makes. His gaze hones in and makes Benji's spine prickle with unease.

Benji shrinks back. The Facility worker's fingers dig into his shoulder, holding him in place.

"You're turning out to be quite the problem," the Supervisor says. His voice sends a hush through the other workers.

Benji isn't sure if he should answer. He opens his mouth, but it's far too dry and his throat is already closed up. He shuts it again. He's not even sure what he would have said.

Bakula's eyes narrow. "Don't worry," he continues. "We should have this all sorted within the next few days."

Before Benji can respond, Bakula nods at the worker clutching his shoulder. "Kavek, please find an open cell and make sure he's secure. He's not a official prisoner, so I'm not assigning him an extractor, but I am sure he has plenty of interesting information."

A hesitation.

"Would you like me to extract from him, sir?" the worker holding Benji asks.

"Leave him for now. I'd like us to take our time with him."

From the corner of his eye, Benji sees the worker nod in return.

"Understood," she says. Then she starts leading Benji forward once more. "Let's go."

Bakula steps aside as they pass, and Benji never thought he'd be so eager to see the inside of a Facility prison cell. Anything to get away from the Supervisor and all of his workers.

He's a little less eager when he steps into the cell itself.

It's relatively empty and very cold and very hard. There's a small mat which Benji assumes is supposed to be a bed, but other than that, there's nothing.

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