Chapter 3 - Lion's Den

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With the freedom of biking around the neighborhood, comes the freedom to do things they've never been allowed to do.

"Do you think we could ever bike all the way to your house?" Benji asks one day when Camille isn't with them.

Felix brightens immediately. "Yeah, we could definitely do that. I know the way there. I could show you my room and everything. My dad's home today too. You could finally see him."

"Should we go right now?" Benji asks, beaming.

"Yeah, let's do it."

"The sooner the better," Benji agrees. "Before my mom notices we're gone."

The two take off, flying into new territory. Felix leads the way, he knows the route home well.

"Whoah," Benji murmurs when he first lays eyes on Felix's house. It's big, and not just because it's a mansion. The door looms over him, clearly meant for someone several feet taller than him. "This is huge."

Felix drives his bike right into the front yard and jumps off, letting the it fall unceremoniously into the grass. "Come on," he calls. "Let's go inside."

Benji follows him through the giant doors, marveling that Felix can even open them.

"Mom!" Felix calls.

"In the kitchen!"

Felix beckons Benji to follow. They find his mother right where she said she was, stirring something in a bowl. "I brought Benji," Felix says when his mother is in sight.

Felix's mother stops mid-stir. "Benji!" she gasps in surprise. "I didn't realize your mother finally let you come over here."

Benji tries to hide a sheepish grin.

"Well, we just kinda decided to come here ourselves," Felix admits.

Felix's mother's eyebrows go way up. "Is that so? Well, you're welcome to stay as long as you like. I'd just hate for your mother to be worried for you."

"I'll be back before she even notices I'm gone," Benji promises.

The corner of Felix's mother's mouth goes up. "Of course. Well, I was planning on making brownies for dessert after dinner, but if you're still around when they come out, I suppose we can eat them early as a snack."

Benji's eyes glitter with excitement. "Thank you!"

"Where's Dad?" Felix asks distractedly.

"He's in the living room," Mrs. Feuerbach replies, going back to her baking.

"Great, I want him to meet Benji," Felix says. He's too busy dragging Benji to the living room to notice the amused smile his mother gives him.

"Dad?" Felix calls as he enters the living room. "I want you to meet someone."

Benji comes around the corner of a very large sofa to see a very large tv playing the news and a very large man watching it. The man's eyes light up when they fall on Benji and he immediately lowers the volume.

"And who's this?" he asks, leaning forward eagerly in his seat. Benji takes a step back.

"This is Benji," Felix announces proudly.

Felix's father's mouth opens in surprise. "So this is him? The infamous Benji?" He pushes himself to standing, and Benji shrinks even further back.

Felix's father is tall. Much taller than his mother. And with his deep, booming voice and the way his gaze takes Benji in, Benji can't help but feel a little fluttering of fear in his chest.

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