Chapter 32 - Sustenance Substitution

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Lux is absolutely ravenous the next morning. It doesn't help that he'd barely gotten any sleep. Not only had he not gotten home until after five in the morning, but his stomach's sharp, angry protests at being denied prey had kept waking him up.

He'd even raided his own kitchen and eaten anything he could find, which hadn't been much considering most of his "normal food" is reserved for the contracted prey he consumes at his house. It's not much, but he usually likes to have a little something to offer them in their last moments on the outside. Now he'll have to replenish his entire stash.

And it hadn't been just the hunger that kept him awake. It had been the dreams too. They were dreams that hadn't haunted Lux since he'd been a teenager, and now they've returned, full force.

By the time Lux makes it to work, he feels, frankly, like shit.

And, of course, he runs into Lenora only minutes after his arrival. Her forehead creases with intrigue when she sees him.

"You look like shit," she tells him.

"Thanks," Lux replies. He brushes by her and heads pointedly towards his first job of the day. If he can just make it through the end of his shift, if he can just make it to his next meal, everything will be okay.

"Prey not sit well with you?" Lenora presses, walking alongside him regardless.

"What?" A spark of panic sets off at the mention of prey.

"Last night," Lenora continues, "you had a disposal job, right?"

"Oh. Yes, I did." Lux does a few quick mental gymnastics. "She was certainly a fighter. Gave me a lot more trouble than she was worth, really."

"Mmm," Lenora murmurs, seemingly to herself.

Lux glances at her from the corner of his eye. "What's wrong?"

She shrugs. "Nothing. I was just wondering if this has anything to do with what you were up to before you left."

Lux lets out a laugh. "I already told you, Lenora. I wasn't up to anything. I just had a disposal job."

"Yes, the one you stole from Cecil."

Lux slows. "How did you know that?"

"He hasn't stopped complaining about it since his shift started."

Lux seethes internally. He might need to have a word with Cecil later about being respectful. Although, violence is usually the only language Cecil can truly understand. This is fortunate for Lux, however, as he very much would enjoy giving Cecil a swift fist to the face.

"Thank you for letting me know, Lenora," he tells her politely. "I'll speak with him about it. And thank you for your concern, but I really am fine. Now, I need to get to work. I'll talk with you later."

He can tell by her expression that Lenora isn't as done with the conversation as he is. But he doesn't allow her time to object as he opens the cell door and slips inside.

"Hello, Arnie," Lux says as soon as the door locks behind him.

The young prey man is huddled against the cell wall. He glances up at Lux with glassy eyes before dropping his gaze once more.

"I told you," he mutters to the floor, "I don't know anything more."

Lux crosses the room and comes to a crouch in front of the man. He reaches two fingers under the prey's chin and tilts his face upwards.

"I think you're underestimating yourself, Arnie," Lux tells him gently. "They wouldn't use you for a safe house if you hadn't already done something important to earn their trust."

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