Chapter 39 - Errands

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Lux awakens to someone punching his shoulder. He sits bolt upright, forgetting where he is for a moment. He's surprised by how stiff his joints feel and nearly falls out of the couch. He has to blink several times before he realizes what's going on.

Camille is looking at him oddly. "Benji's making food," she informs him. "Thought you might want to eat." And before Lux has a chance to respond, she leaves for the kitchen.

Lux leans back in the couch and rubs his eyes. Last night feels like a dream. Actually, he thinks, this very moment feels like a dream too. The smell of coffee and cooking food wafts through the house, reminding him of his hunger. The morning light drifts through the window. It doesn't feel like he's in hiding. It doesn't feel like his entire life had just fallen to pieces only twelve hours ago.

He pushes himself to his feet, his muscles protesting his choice in sleeping positions. Being careful not to bump his head on the doorframe, he shuffles into the kitchen and finds Camille already at the table, chewing on a piece of toast. Benji glances up from his spot at the stove where he cooks eggs.

"Oh," he says in surprise, "you're awake. I was just going to let you sleep. I figured you'd need it."

"I had a rude awakening," Lux tells him.

Benji's brow furrows before he brushes it off. "Well, there's enough coffee if you want some. Mugs are in the cupboard over there. There's also juice in the fridge. Bread is already out if you want toast. Would you like some eggs? I can make them right now if you do."

Lux nods, feeling a certain warmth of affection blossoming in him.

"How do you take them?"

"Fried, if you don't mind."

"You got it." Benji turns back to the stove and flips the egg he's already scrambling.

Lux watches for a moment before crossing the room and pouring a cup of coffee. Then he approaches the toaster but hesitates at the bread. Everything is portioned for prey. A normal serving wouldn't be enough for him even if he wasn't practically starving. But he feels guilty about taking so much food from the Marottas. He's used to providing for himself.

He decides on two slices. Going back for seconds will look better than loading his plate ridiculously full.

By the time the toaster pops, Benji has two fried eggs ready for Lux. He slides them from the pan onto the toast. Lux thanks him and carries his plate to the table. He feels Camille's eyes on him the entire time.

There is no conversation between the two of them. Lux takes slow, careful bites of his food.

There's an old stereotype amongst prey that preds don't really know how to enjoy food. Lux had never truly given it much thought, but now, as he struggles not to scarf everything down at once while Camille takes distracted, leisurely bites of egg, he thinks he understands. He could care less about the flavor, he just wants some sort of relief from his hunger. But he doesn't want to prove the stereotype true, especially not in front of Camille. He's already surprised by how amicable she's been this morning. Maybe their talk last night really had changed things.

Lux is so focused on eating, he's surprised when Camille stands suddenly and collects her plate.

"Leaving so soon?" he asks. The words are out of his mouth before he realizes what he's saying.

Camille throws him an annoyed glance as she puts her dirty dishes in the washer. "I have things I need to do," she tells him. "I need to get going. Thank you for the eggs, Benji. You'll be leaving soon too, right?"

Benji looks at her in surprise as he pours eggs onto his own plate, then he also throws a glance at Lux. "Yeah," he answers, though he sounds unsure. "I should be."

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