Chapter 43 - Abscond

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When they finally recover, Camille helps Benji finish packing. She's much better at it than he is. With a single glance, she can determine what should or should not be stuffed into the bag. Benji doesn't understand what her stipulations are, but he doesn't question it. He takes whatever she hands him and folds it neatly into his bag. Within minutes, he's completely packed and ready to go.

Benji brings his bag downstairs, Camille trailing silently behind them. He expects Felix to be waiting in the sitting room where he left him, but when Benji looks, Felix is nowhere to be seen.

"Felix?" Benji calls.

Felix hurriedly emerges from the kitchen. "You're ready?" His eyes flick to Camille's blotchy face, but he says nothing.

"Yeah," Benji answers. "What were you doing in there?"

Felix's lips press together. "Just grabbing a bite before we go."

From the corner of his eye, Benji catches the pointed look Camille gives him. He pretends not to notice.

"So you're ready too?" Benji asks.

Felix nods. "We should get going." He crosses to the front door and picks up his duffle bag.

Benji readjusts his own bag on his shoulder. "I take it I'll be driving?"

"I don't think I'm really a good fit to be the driver of your car."

"Right." Benji turns to Camille. "I'll be back soon, okay?"

Her face is unreadable as she replies, "Just take care of yourself. I promise I'll figure everything out with Arthur soon."

Benji isn't entirely convinced of that, but he doesn't argue. He simply pulls Camille in for one last hug.

She gives him a half-smile when she pulls away. Then she turns on Felix. "You better take care of him, Feuerbach," she demands.

"Of course," Felix responds.

"And if you hurt him in any way, I'll kill you myself."

"I wouldn't expect anything less of you."

Camille nods, seemingly satisfied.

Felix's beckons for the door. "After you," he tells Benji.

Benji pulls open the door and steps onto the porch. He doesn't even think it was an hour ago that he had been pushing his way in with Felix, ready for a nap.

Felix follows him back out to the car. He shoves his duffel bag back into the trunk while Benji manages to stuff his own bag in the back seat. Then Benji goes around to the driver's side while Felix once more folds himself into the passenger's seat. Camille watches everything stoically from the porch, her arms crossed. Benji tries not to make eye contact with her as he starts the car.

It's not until he's backed out of the driveway and ready to speed off that he dares look directly at her. Their eyes meet. Benji feels a pit form in his stomach. He raises his hand in farewell. Camille raises her chin, eyes narrowed, and for the briefest of seconds, Benji thinks she won't wave back. Then she slowly brings her hand up and returns the wave.

Benji hits the gas, and just like that, he's gone.

He drives in silence. He doesn't know where they're going, but he doesn't have the strength to ask.

"You did the right thing," Felix mutters after a time.

Benji keeps his eyes on the road. "I know."

Another silence passes.

"Do you know where you're going?" Felix finally asks.


"If you have the energy, we'll need to drive as far from this town as you can manage today, preferably in the direction away from the Facility."

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