Chapter 63 - Final Solution

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When Lux opens his eyes, he's not sure if it's Lenora or his stomach that have awoken him.

He blinks in the morning light and checks the time. It's early but Lenora is already in the middle of setting an armful of grocery bags on the kitchen counter.

"Did you just go out?" Lux asks. His voice crackles with sleep.

Lenora looks up in surprise. "Did I wake you?"

Lux shakes his head as a dull twinge hits his stomach. It's nothing compared to the night before, but still he winces and his hand goes to soothe it.

"It wasn't just you," he assures Lenora.

A shadow of a frown crosses her face. "I figured as much. I got up early to make a quick run to Sprockets." She sweeps a hand over the line of grocery bags. "This is probably a week's worth of groceries, Lux. So I hope it's enough."

A small warmth blossoms in Lux's chest. "Have I ever told you how grateful I am to you?"

Lenora rolls her eyes. "You could probably stand to mention it a few more times."

Lux can't help the corner of his mouth from quirking upward. Lenora returns the smile with a glint in her eyes.

A few minutes later and Lux has already helped put all the groceries away. He munches on a bowl of cereal while the coffee brews and Lenora cooks up a batch of sausage and eggs. Lux eyes the hallway, expecting Benji to appear at any moment, lured by the enticing scent of breakfast. But either he's holding back or he's more exhausted than Lux. Lux wouldn't blame him if it were the latter.

Lenora puts a fresh cup of coffee and two neutralizers on the breakfast bar next to Lux.

"Take these regularly today," she tells him. "The sausage and eggs are nearly done."

"Thank you," Lux mutters, obediently following her instructions.

When Lenora finally slides a plate of eggs and sausage in front of him, she sets a plate for herself on the counter. Lux doesn't hesitate. He digs in, feeling hopeful that he might feel somewhat satiated by the time this meal is over. Lenora leans on the counter across from him and watches carefully as she eats. Lux can feel there's something being unsaid between them, he's just not sure what.

It's not until Lux is scooping up the last of his eggs when Lenora takes a breath.

"We need to talk," she says without preamble.

Lux looks up at her and raises a brow. They had already done quite a bit of talking the night before while Benji showered and slept. For once, Lux had gotten a glimpse at the receiving end of one of Lenora's extraction jobs. She'd interrogated him on all things Benji, unafraid to refute him when his story didn't align with the one Benji had apparently shared with her in the Facility. It had been a long time since Lux had been so honest about his past with another pred. He wasn't sure what there was even left for them to talk about.

Without a word, Lenora reaches forward and places something small and dense on the counter before Lux. Lux peers down at it. His eyes widen and his insides drop. It's not unfamiliar to him, but it is unexpected.

"This is a prey knife," he says as he bends forward to take a closer look. It's the favored type of knife for prey to cut their way out of preds. It's the type of knife the Facility is always confiscating from new prisoners.

"It's Benji's knife."

Lux's attention immediately snaps back up to Lenora. "What?" he says. "Benji doesn't carry a knife." But even as he says the words, Lux suddenly doubts them.

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